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Session 6: The Vic-ening

General Summary

After sunrise Palanthus introduces herself to the group and upon seeing Usze she instantly senses Tempest'Lucia's presence. Palanthus claims she is Lucia's sister. Using Usze as a vessel to speak through, Lucia expresses her excitement to see her family member, but also confusion as to why a she takes on a human form now. While they catch up the party suddenly hears a thunderous rumble and we look up at the sky. We see a great dark ravel-like shadow drift through the sky at high velocity. Another crackle and the sky is now clear. The party is confused. "Was that.. grandmother?" Asks Lucia. Palanthus assumes so. The party is even more confused. Despite those odd events, Ruuch presses us to move on, because his son and wife are still alive somewhere. Lydia asks Palanthus what that was all about. Palanthus pulls lydia aside and explains the gods have had their "God" forms destroyed and that black raven we saw was the culprit, taking out Palanthus's grandma; Laiell, the Goddess of Peace. In this world there are "shards" and one has been used to put the gods back to their mortal forms to try to kill the gods, presumably to seize their power. ############# EDITORS NOTE: Lydia wonders why Lucia didn't ever mention this to Usze cuz they are obviously married. #############   Back outside the tiny hut Adalai summons two horses, one is black, one is white, both are gay. We ride them to Heston in search of a carriage. It takes about 20 minutes. Ruuch and Usze summon their familiars, Gibby is surfing on the back of Ruuch's hawk, together they spot a carriage. It's a piece of junk at this point. Adalai and Vic fix the cart by mending.   ############ EDITORS NOTE: Vic: "wood eludes me" ############   While the cart I being mended Palanthus pulls Ruuch aside and gives him a jar that preserves any item. Lydia searches the perimeter and finds 3 daggers. Ruuch offers to keep the heart of Presco in the jar but Lydia kept the rose under her hat. Adalai and Vic finished up the cart and we head toward the next stop; Kalanthus. Adalai drives again, despite the last encounter. They depart from the Hedoon Wastes and got to a forest. Ruuch casts sending to telepathically communicate with Palanthus. He asks Palanthus is dead, she says no and then confirms she kind of is. Usze wants to check if lydia is reading fanficion again but she's polishing her tuba Hooter.   The cart suddenly grinds to a halt as thick vines sprout from the ground to entangle the wheels. Adalai spots some (Silvun?) and gets out together with Usze. Palanthus says the "morgaar" are here? Combat ensues, with the power of a literal god and anime on our side we win combat by the sheer force of guns and intimidation. One creature tries to clap Usze, but as it is about to graze his scales it turns its hand around and punches itself in the throat, ending its own life. It did this because Usze was able to resist whatever made the party all cry in the desert, so "why even try to fight"? Lydia decides to sleep the younger creature that called the big one "mommy" as an act of mercy. The vines that entangled the cart let it go and grabbed the big creature instead. Just before the small one could be taken Lydia throws a knife to cut the vine, it is however to no avail because more vines keep sprouting and taking the smaller creature to return to the soil. They decide to set up camp some ways ahead.   The next morning we have goodberries for breakfast, just as we've had them for breakfast the past few days, and lunch, and dinner. Usze and Adalai discuss how the vines in their dream maze had the same properties as these ones, only the ones in the maze were indestructible, and the ones from yesterday weren't.   ############# EDITORS NOTE: Usze calls adalai his little pogchamp, Lydia writes it down in Adalai's notebook. #############   The forest starts to become denser and the trees start to form a path straight through the middle. We see the sight of 3 greatly armored knights with longswords, they are battling against three monstrosities with horns and a metallic sheen adorning them. One of the knights seems to have fallen. The other two look like they could use some aid. We charge into battle! The second knight goes down quickly. The knight standing takes both the creatures that are flanking him by the horns and crashes them into each other. Lydia casts hideous laughter and one of the creatures drops down laughing, however we have a party of casters so she directly gave everyone disadvantage on their attacks. Usze and Ruuch keep missing their attacks. Adalai summons his wolfs, one does no damage, the other does 5 damage, both are gay. One of the wolfs is turned into a hotdog. Ruuch tries one last time with his cards while Lydia inspires him with her rendition of the Passionate Duelist theme. He finally hits and lightning strikes the last creature!   The battle is over, we go up to the last remaining guard. He resurrects the other guards and promptly orders them to get up on their feet, after which they introduce themselves as the Telarus guards. They want to rid the land of evil in Drethildun and free the land in the name of Telarus. Lord Zelthin and king Telarus gave orders to inspect Traskarr as they received plea to come to their aid. If we ever meet with his superiors we need to tell them Vitamancer Oslo sends his regards and owes us a debt. He wishes us a safe travel may Telarus light our path.   As we travel further we see the walls of Kalanthus approaching in the distance. Ruuch is itchin to pay off his debts at the casino. The surrounding area of Kalanthus looks like the aftermath of a battlefield filled with smouldering ash, sludge and depressions on the land from the impact of explosions. The walls miraculously seem to be intact. We approach the gates and are met with an exploding bolt that hits an area just in front of our cart. We look up and see two guards posted on top of a guard tower. They ask us to identify ourselves and state our business. Lydia tells the guards that they hail from Heston, which has been overrun by sludge. The guards let us inside on the condition that we put on magical handcuffs and be scanned to see if we are not processed by something.   We (reluctantly) agree and go to the mayor's office to get tested. The horses are off to be tested as well. On the way we get some exposition from the guards: The mayor of a town was a bard that had a lot of allegations pressed against him for charming everyone, but it allegedly turned out he was wrongfully accused. He's also a formidable fighter. Viewing the city from inside the walls, people seem happy and normal and a wave of nostalgia hits. One thing to note about the guards is that they have a crossbow with a constant swirling flame inside it.   We get the mayors officer and Saan, the mayor of Kalanthus is there to greet us with his snake cane and pet lizard. The same lizard we fought with during our first ever battle with Henya, it now has wings and bigger tongue. Ruuch wants to do a bro-move and lydia holds him back. Saan apologizes for being targeted by Henya, they actually wanted to recruit us all for a re-takeover of Presco. The only one he really wanted dead was Vic. Saan explains that Vic was part of a band of ruffians that killed his little brother, as he speaks he seems to hide his rage. Vic admits to all of it.   Usze and Ruuch seem to side with Saan ("don't kill him here, it'll be a shame to stain such a nice carpet" RC). Adalai and Lydia with Vic("Umm killing is pretty bad I guess" AL probably). Vic admits he was there for the shooting and looting. Saan asks if we were good to the creatures that attacked us, we killed the mother, but kept the child alive, that to Saan seems like a more cruel fate. A tiefling comes up and scans us, Ruuch and Lydia get scanned; nothing. Usze gets scanned and the tiefling acknowledges Tempest'Lucia, BY NAME and goes on. She scans Adalai and then promptly nods to Saan, which indicates…trouble. While we are being scanned the guards drag Vic away as none of us succeed to convince Saan.   ############# EDITORS NOTE: BRUH ADALAI POSESSED AF #############   Before we leave the office Ruuch has some private time with Saan. Lydia too, she wants to gather info o her sister. Saan tells her that the gemstone was bought for some spell by the main science officer, Thelnas. she can Find him in the old repurposed lab in northwest of the town. The main lab has been destroyed, which he finds unfortunate, because that group gave him his lizard friend.   ############# EDITORS NOTE: He's talking about the lab in Kalanthus and this is probably what the thank you note was for, if he tells the truth that is. #############   Usze and Lydia step into a tavern/pub that's called the Lords Blade to try and perform after days of struggle. Ruuch is off to the casino to pay off his debts. Adalai walks around town, still depressed after what happened to Vic. Usze and Lydia walk into a pristine family friendly saloon. The butler stops us and he finds us a table. Usze gets menu. Lydia takes the kids meal with chicken nuggets. Usze gets steak. Lydia puts the toy crab she gets with the kids meal inside her hat for Presco. We ask to bring a little life into the tent and the butler tells us the latest entertainers got eaten and so everyone seems on edge. Usze gets a nat 20 and does the Bayonetta dance flawlessly over Lydia's jazzy tuba tunes as we get our fill of drinks for the night. We stumble over a tavern called the Bloladay Blin and rest for the night. Ruuch also heads to the same tavern and falls asleep. Adalai is most likely enjoying a calm nightly stroll. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And so ends another day of adventure for our brave heroes.
Report Date
04 Dec 2020
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