Anaga Astrelian

Physical Description

Anaga is a young woman of mixed Desert Daoine-Quartz Draconian heritage. She has shoulder length golden blonde hair, amber skin, and appears younger and far weaker than she truly is due to her lithe build and diminutive height, standing at only five feet and two inches (5' 2") tall. Anaga also has somewhat pointed ears, angled slightly outwards, and her eyes glow a gentle gold throughout the day and night   Owing to her Draconian heritage, Anaga has black, mirror like scales that run along her wrists, ankles, and the base of her skull that have a soft golden glow emanating where the scale plates interlock. These scales become especially apparent when she pulls as they begin to run into her face and onto her hands, feet, and perhaps even other locations upon her body along with small, razor sharp claws that sprout from her fingertips. In addition, when exposed to starlight, no matter it's form, they will change to a pearly white.   Other features of note include a very jagged blade scar that runs from just below her left eye and carries on all the way down to the point of her chin, as well as a set of jagged scars on her right shoulder where a large chunk was torn out of it by the claws of a corrupted beast.


Anaga was born to Heliaster Torlen Astrelian and Lyn Astrelian on Clary, 25th 1031ABD alongside her twin brother, Caelum Astrelian in the Daoine city of Ra Minol. As relatively successful traders, Heliaster and Lyn were able to provide their children with a somewhat lavish standard of living, a lovely and somewhat large sandstone house with real wood furnishings and accents, a few servants hired to fill some of the more key positions such as cooking and cleaning, an exceptional education, and most important of all, they loved their children dearly.

This good life would not continue for the twins however, as when the twins were nine, Anaga was awakened in the middle of the night by an ailing Caelum and went to get her mother to comfort the pair of mentally linked twins and found her sitting at the table, a shattered cup of tea laying upon the floor beside her. She also found that she could not connect with her mother's mind and nor could she shake her awake. With fear driving her, Anaga proceeded to run to her father's room, yelling that mom was hurt and needed help. This help would not come however, as when she reached her father's room, after finding, that her father's mind was also unreachable to her as well, she opened his door and found him laying in bed, a needle grasped in his hand and embedded in the side of his neck at an angle that he could not have reached on his own. After several fruitless attempts to wake both her father and her mother, Anaga ran upstairs to the room she shared with her ailing brother and pulled him out of bed and into a nearby closet where they both cowered, quietly sobbing.

The twins were found the next morning by a Priest who had a meeting with their parents and who took them in personally for a time rather than taking them directly to the Temple while the Priest investigated the murder with the guards. Unfortunately for this Priest however, investigating this murder would prove to be his undoing as The Sword of Fate, though very limited in power, were just strong enough to make Anaga and Caelum's lives miserable. They attempted to implicate the Priest in the murder of Lyn and Heliaster and, when the Priest was eventually directly threatened, Anaga and Caelum ran away and went into hiding out of fear of being harmed themselves.

Running away in this manner however would cause Anaga and Caelum to lose all access to their parents fortune and even their own personal items, leaving them as both homeless and orphans by the age of ten. In order to survive and remain hidden from the world at large, Anaga turned her brilliant mind to crime. She learned how to beg for food without being taken to The Temple, analyzed how to infiltrate locations she wanted to steal food and supplies from as well as learning whatever else she could by stealing parchments, books, or even simply watching and learning from the shadows while doing everything she could to keep her emotions and mind in check so that she is not found by the psions around her.

As time went on, Caelum's illness became much worse and he grew closer and closer to death each time, which was unacceptable to Anaga. As such, she turned her entire attention to finding information about alchemy and medicine, which resulted in her beginning to use poisons and also in her inventing a elixir that was, if not capable of curing Caelum, at the very least was able to mitigate the symptoms and keep him alive. This emphasis on alchemy and medicine also opened up an entire new world to Anaga, allowing her to deepen her harassment of and attacks against The Sword of Fate, whom she had been harassing and gathering evidence against for some time at this point.

Apparel and Equipment

Anaga's outfit often varies as she adapts based upon the requirements of her environment. That being said, Anaga does have a fairly standardized style of clothing she will utilize as a basis for all of her outfits. She will usually wear a simple long-sleeved tunic, a simple pair of trousers, a sturdy leather boot, and a simple hooded robe, all of which are usually darker in color.   When a more refined style is necessary, Anaga wears a relatively nice dress that is gold with black accents along with a pair of yellow heels to make her slightly taller. She will also usually wear some of the nicer jewelry she has managed to create, pieces made of polished and shaped glass that have engravings and a gentle blue glow to them along with a simple pair of ear clasps made of iron or copper that she has managed to acquire over the years.   When venturing into combat, Anaga may wear a sleeveless tabard over her tunic, either as an indication of which army she is serving or as a method of further blending into her environment. Often times, she will modify this tabard to include a simple hood of either a dark color or of the same color as the tabard and will also carry a dark cloth of some description on her neck that she can pull up over her mouth and nose to hide her face.
Along with the tabard, she has taken to wearing a set of leather bracers and greaves, often dyed either a darker color or, as with the tabard, dyed to a color that will allow her to further blend into her environment. On top of these, Anaga wears a leather belt that has been modified to carry two holsters on either hip, a peg to attach her hand-crossbow to on the back, several small loops for vials, and a number of pouches. When not wearing her greaves, Anaga may also wear a small holster on her left ankle.
  The tables below are in no way a comprehensive list of the various weapons, inventions, and potions that Anaga may carry into combat as she adapts her loadout based upon the mission at hand, however it is a list of what she will often carry with her.  

Physical Description

Special abilities

Anaga has a few special talents she's picked up over the years including: Stealth, two handed combat, alchemy, and inventing. Anaga's stealth and two handed combat skills were learned on the streets of Ra Minol where she was often forced to turn to robbery to sustain Caelum and herself, but also to defend both of them against people who hated them for simply existing, she wields her daggers in an unusual reverse grip that she's learned helps her throw off her opponents as they aren't quite sure how to fight it. She wields Dusk in her dominate left hand and Dawn in her right. Her alchemy skills were learned so that she could assist her brother with his illness and also create poisons and other concoctions to help her in battle. As for her inventing skills, Anaga often created trinkets to sell from parts she scavenged so that they could earn money and designed and built her hand-crossbow from materials she managed to steal and salvage.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Anaga is extremely intelligent, especially for someone of her very limited education. She has an innate knack for combat tactics and stealth as a result of her many years living on the streets in a hostile slum. Whenever she can she'll try to take her enemies off guard, attacking them from the shadows or behind in an attempt to kill or disable them without being spotted. If spotted, she may begin to taunt her foe, forcing them to make the first move so that she can analyze how they fight and exploit it. She keeps her head on a swivel, analyzing the people around them and categorizing them to ensure that she and her allies are not taken by surprise. Strangely enough, she also has a knack for languages and can speak Daoine, Common, and Ra Minol's version of Under-common fluently. In addition, she is learning the Hualapai language from Iye and has taken great strides in it in a very short amount of time. Anaga also likes to create trinkets and gadgets in her spare time.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
Clary 25th, 1031ABD
Year of Birth
1600031 EOM 19 Years old
Ra Minol
Glowing Gold
Golden Blonde, shoulder length, kept in a bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rich Amber/Tan Skin
Known Languages
Daoine(Fluent), Common(Fluent), Hualapai(Conversational)


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