Ancora City

Ancora and Ancora City is the second major settlement of the Drimorian people. With a massive river to its north, Ancora City has a natural barrier to those who would try to assail its land. Because the island this city is planted on is so big, Ancora City has been able to sprawl out wide and far, holding well over 50,000 inhabitants within its walls.


Most of Ancora City is human, though the Drimorian humans living there are not against other races living among them. At the moment, Ancora is:
  • 75% Drimorian
  • 12% Hualapai
  • 10% Daoine
  • 2% Draconian
  • 1% Other
  On top of this, economically wise, Ancorans are generally well off, as there is a strong defense of freedom in Ancora under King Reginald. This means that:
  • 15% of the population is Upper Class
  • 80% of the population is Middle Class
  • 5% of the population is Lower Class


Ancora City is run by a Monarchy, and its current reigning king is Reginald Savus. On top of this, Reginald has a table of leaders he regularly consults, including his general, a great scientist, and many others to help him keep a good pulse on the city and ever ready to help where we can provide it.


Ancora City is well defended out of necessity due to years of raids from the Silver Dragons from Mt. Silver Fang. Naturally defended by the river and the cliffs that surround the upper city, Ancora also has a large wall that protects the main land, with a castle to the south and a fortress to the north. Ancora also has a keep just across its northern bridge as a first line of defense. On top of this, Ancora City employees its own militia of about 5,000 men. Despite not having the same man-power as those in Ithor, Ancora has better discipline than the Ithorian people and most young males in Ancora are required to join the militia at age 18 for about 1 year.

Industry & Trade

Blessed with a rich, fertile land, both on its island and surrounding its borders, Ancora City is a major agricultural city, and as such, a large portion of its borders are dedicated to farming. Farm goods vary from bread to fruits, and even more exotic delicacies such as chocolate. They are also farmers of fire crystals out of necessity, so that is usually a small fraction of their export to Ithor nearby as they receive a good deal of crystals from surrounding towns. Being surrounded by water, Ancora is also a fishing city and all the fish they can capture is why they can export more of their farmed goods. The river that surrounds Ancora teems with fish and feeds the locals living there regularly.


Ancora possesses many key places that keep it alive and well. These are as follows:
  • Many, many farmlands
  • Seaport/Riverport
  • Ancoran Fortress
  • King Reginald's Castle
  • Grand Cathedral
  • Market Square
  • Several tiers of Inns, becoming more fancy the closer you get to the castle
  • Multiple Black Smiths
  • A small underground crystal farm
  • Large bridge connecting northern side of Ancora to the mainland
  • Shipyard connected to Sea/Riverport

Guilds and Factions

Ancora City is the base ground for the Graves Mining Company, the major guild in the city borders.


Ancora City sits on a gradual slope with access to the beach land to the east. To their north is a very large river, and surrounding their farmlands are nothing but jungle.

Natural Resources

Ancora City is abundant with fertile soil, watery caverns for crystal farming, fish life, and exotic foods such as chocolate which is their most prized export and resource.
Alternative Name(s)
Ancora City
Owning Organization
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