
Balatia is a splinter state of the original Shu Empire, being one of three remaining states (alongside the Shu and Shukin), as well as the focal point of the bloody civil war. Originally the most prosperous region of the Shu Empire due to their proximity to both Meridia and the Federation of Tatsushi, the fall of Meridia led to a surge of refugees and near-universal militarization, draining the coffers of the Balatian provinces. The Shu Emperor was assassinated during a visit to inspect the situation at the Meridian border, which shortly led to Balatian (with tacit support from the Federation of Tatsushi) splintering from the Empire and eventually gaining freedom.   As the provinces of Balatia came together opportunistically rather than as a union, each province maintains nominal independence to rule and act as it wishes. Each state sends a representative to the Council of Eight, which is hosted in the north-eastern province of Sayohiyami, as the least originally prosperous of the provinces. All federal power stems from these eight individuals, though this agreement is in name only. In reality, a complex bureaucracy of commissioned judges, councilors, and other required elements, all of whom serve at the pleasure of the Council, uphold a relatively effective, if toothless, federal government.   Much like the Shu Empire, the social structure of Balatia is strict and based on citizenship, though geopolitical realities have forced some changes. The highest class is of hereditary nobles, through the titles established by the Shu Emperor in past, as well as of the Council of Eight in more recent years. During the fall of Meridia, Balatia offered citizenship to any of the empire's lowest class, the Dermeni, for serving an eight-year term in the military, an offer that remains standing to this day. As such, the largest class by far in Balatia is that of the free citizen, holding full legal rights and protection. Some Dermeni still remain, though they are few and far between, often being too poor or unhealthy to join the military or gain citizenship through paying the citizenship tax.  
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Chusaine, Meldrelco Kelderci Mutaphil
Slight (<5%) Population Draken Dir, Ether Zel Draken Mir Ether Zel
Minor (<20%) Population Caninoid, Felinoid, Ether Vin, Ursinoid
Major (<40%) Population