
31 points
Attribute Modifiers: DX-1 [-20]; IQ+1 [20]; ST+3 [27].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: SM+1; Basic Move +1 [5]; HP +2 [4].
Advantages: Acute Taste and Smell 2 [4]; Damage Resistance 3 [15]; Night Vision 2 [2]; Striker (Cannot Parry, Clumsy 2) [1]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Spines (Short) [1]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1].
Disadvantages: No Peripheral Vision [-15]; Selfless (12) [-5]; Short Attention Span (12) [-10].
Perks: Limited Camouflage (Water) [1]; Scales [1].
Quirks: Large Living Area [-1]; Unfeeling Scales [-1].
Features: Born Biter 2; Tail.

[1] Unfeeling Scales - Chusaine have no sense of touch on their scales, and cannot feel any motion that deals less than one point of damage (before DR reductions) on their torso or leg.

Basic Information


Chusaine are large, reptilian humanoids characterized by thick scales, a pronounced head, and a thick tail. Their backs are covered in short scaly spines used to dissuade attackers (and occasionally carry squishy items), and a snake-like tongue compliments their existing nose for smell.   They are among the largest bipedal humanoids, reaching up to nearly nine feet at the highest, though more typically closer to seven feet. While they are typically massive, with a well-developed musculature, a thick layer of fat complements their scales, forming a seal against both temperature and violence. This fat makes them seem much stronger than they actually are, a perception that Chusaine have no intention of dissuading.   The primary morphological characteristics of Chusaine are the particular pattern and colour of their back spines, as well as the shades of their scales. All Chusaine have blue scales, but the shades can vary, and discoloured scales can occur due to age or genetics. Female Chusaine also have differing eye coloration, though eye colours other than amber are rare within males.

Genetics and Reproduction

Chusaine reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. Once the female is fertilized, she will gestate for 10 months, and give live birth. The child is helpless at birth, and requires his mother's milk for up to a year before they can eat solid foods. The child will typically remain with their parents for 18 years before considering themselves fully developed and independent. However, most Chusaine cultures have strong family units, and the child may not leave their parents for decades.

Ecology and Habitats

Chusaine prefer intermediate climates, settling away from particularly warm or wet climates, typically far inland or near elevated positions. However, some cultures of Chusaine will settle near less optimal climates to be close to settlements of other race. All Chusaine require copious living space to be content, so it is exceedingly rare to find Chusaine living in cities, as they often prefer to live hours or days away where they can roam free land.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Chusaine are omnivores with a digestive preference for meat, though due to their conscientious nature, older Chusaine often adopt vegetarian lifestyles. Due to their acute sense of smell and taste, Chusaine typically prefer well-prepared meals, but their massive size typically renders this more difficult.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Chusaine societies are characterized by strong familial bonds, with a family unit typically consisting of at least five members, and a particularly stationary nature. While they will avoid larger settlements due to feeling constrained, Chusaine with compromised family units or none at all will build strong friendships and ties within a particular community, often serving as hermetic, though respected, counsel.

Average Intelligence

Chusaine possess a highly attuned intellect, and are typically respected by other races for their wisdom. Their technology is not nearly as advanced as other races, however, as they tend to be easily distracted, and dabble in dozens of subjects throughout their lives, rather than focusing on a particular field long enough to become a true expert. Due to this wide breadth of knowledge, Chusaine are prized as both advisers and bodyguards to the nobility of other species.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Chusaine have the typical sensor suite of a humanoid, with a particularly pronounced sense of smell due to both their nose and tongue. Their eyes are particularly attuned to low light conditions due to their large pupils and deep recesses, but they cannot rotate their eyes, leading to the disturbing tendency to whip their head about at unsettling speed.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Lacerta Hominid Sapiens
70 years
Average Height
2.2 meters
Average Weight