Draken Dir

14 points
Attribute Modifiers: IQ-1 [-20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Basic Move +1 [5]; FP+1 [3].
Advantages: Claws (Blunt) [3]; Damage Resistance 1 [5]; Damage Resistance 1 (Skull Only) [1]; Flexibility [5]; Nictitating Membrane 1 [1]; Night Vision 3 [3]; Striker (Cannot Parry, Only Forwards) [1]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1]; Very Fit [15].
Disadvantages: Chummy (12) [-5]; Curious (12) [-5].
Perks: Scales [1]; Sure-Footed (Uneven) [1].
Quirks: Broad-Minded [-1]; Weak Kick [-1].
Features: Born Biter 2; Night Vision -3.

[1] Weak Kick - Calculate kicking damage normally, then apply a -1 per die. Note that this quirk and Claws (Blunt) cancel each other out.
[2] Night Vision -3 - Draken Dir are comfortable at a light level of -3 to -6, and take penalties in either brighter or darker light levels.

Basic Information


Draken Dir are scaly humanoids characterized by curling horns and a lanky physique. Unlike most Draken-spawn, they are fully bipedal creatures, with clawed feet, hands, and two horns protruding from their skull. Their eyes are strange among humanoids, with two separate pupils and a covering membrane, allowing for clearer vision in darkness, but proving painfully bright in direct light.   A typical Draken Dir will reach six and a half feet, covered in lean muscle and thin scales. They are known for their stamina, especially in distance running, with most Draken Dir considering running dozens of kilometres a daily occurrence. Unlike most humanoids, their spinal column is completely flexible, allowing for impressive mobility, though the lack of an anchor point significantly reduces their ability to kick.   The main morphological distinction between Draken Dir is in the colour of scales. Most are some shade of dark brown, but examples of more vivid red or blue exist. The shape of the horns also differ, often being crooked or of differing lengths due to environmental factors. Female Draken Dir have smaller, more pointed horns, of which the straightness is typically a point of pride.

Genetics and Reproduction

Draken Dir reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. Once the female is fertilized, she will gestate for eight months, and give live birth. The child is capable of eating and hunting at birth, though their small size necessitates smaller prey. Within five years, they are capable of independently hunting large prey, though they do not fully mentally mature until fifteen years. Once mature, the Draken Dir will typically leave their family to explore out of curiosity, but tend to stay close enough that family is a day's jog away.

Ecology and Habitats

Draken Dir tend towards dark places, with a preference for living in subterranean tunnels and under thick rainforest canopies. If they venture out towards the cities of other species, they will often adapt a nocturnal lifestyle, or make a home in the tunnel systems underneath the city. Other humanoids believe that Draken Dir have a network of tunnels that stretch to the ends of the world, due to their propensity to travel quickly, though this is only partially true.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Draken Dir are obligate carnivores who find the idea of eating plants repulsive, although they use herbs and spices to season their meals, being very careful to remove any trace afterwards. They can eat raw prey, but most civilized Draken Dir will only do this if driven to starvation.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Draken Dir societies are characterized by strong platonic bonds, often including members of other species, and a predilection for large cities. It is common for Draken Dir to prioritize their platonic bonds over sexual partnerships, especially in their later years. Due to their natural agreeableness, Draken Dir politics are often far more good-natured than the politics of other species, though it often lacks a certain conservativeness required for hard times.

Average Intelligence

Draken Dir are commonly viewed as dull or slow by other species, as they lack a certain level of wisdom and general intelligence, are easily distracted, and will often indulge their curiosity in ill-advised ways. However, they are simultaneously responsible for many great inventions throughout the world, as their unique blend of self-destructive curiosity and easy cooperation have led to novel developments time and time again.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Draken Dir have the typical sensor suite of humanoids, with their vision being particularly specialized towards darkness. Due to having two independent pupils, they can effectively intake nearly double the light of a normal humanoid, but cannot close both pupils fully. If exposed to significant light, including simple daylight, Draken Dir may become effectively blind.
Draken Dir
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draken Dir Sapiens
65 years
Average Height
2 meters
Average Weight