Draken Mir

40 points
Attribute Modifiers: IQ-2 [-40]; HT+1 [10]; ST+2 [20].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: Per+2 [10]; Will+2 [10].
Advantages: Amphibious [10]; Claws (Sharp) [5]; Damage Resistance 2 [10]; Damage Resistance 2 (Skull Only) [2]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Enhanced Move (Land) 0.5 [10]; Extended Lifespan 1 [2]; Scanning Sense (Sonar, Range Divisor 2) [18]; Striker (Cannot Parry, Clumsy 2) [1]; Teeth (Sharp) [1]; Temperature Tolerance 1 [1].
Disadvantages: Bad Sight (Farsighted) [-25]; Laziness (12) [-10]; Light Sleeper [-5]; Semi-Upright [-5].
Perks: Elbow Spikes [1]; Scales [1].
Quirks: Appears Insensitive [-1]; Live Prey [-1].
Features: Born Biter 2; Tail.

[1] Elbow Spikes - Change damage inflicted by any sort of elbow strike to impaling.   [2] Appears Insensitive - Draken Mir aren't insensitive to emotions; they just express them though scent rather than sight. Races that lack Discriminatory Smell, however, will see them as stoic or insensitive, and may react poorly.

Basic Information


The Draken Mir are a primal Draken-spawn, characterized by a robust physique and hunched posture. They typically walk and run on all fours, and abstain from being upright due to feeling vulnerable. They are also amphibious creatures, although they lack the ability to breathe underwater, restricting them mostly to the surface and underwater caves.   A typical Draken Mir will stand seven feet when fully upright, covered in muscle and thick scales, with a small ridged tail. While mentally slow, they do use armour and weaponry, tending towards larger, two-handed weapons to fully leverage their strength, though most Draken Mir will typically wear very little clothing as to not interfere with their speed on land or water.   The primary morphological characteristic of Draken Mir is the shade of their scales, typically a dusty red, though examples of green-scaled Draken Mir exist. Male Draken Mir take pride in the straightness of their head ridges, while female Draken Mir have a predilection for symmetrical eye ridges and straight scales. A Draken Mir can also modulate their scent unconsciously to show emotions, which is often used as a secondary means of communication.

Genetics and Reproduction

Draken Mir reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. Once the female is fertilized, she will gestate for ten months, and give live birth. The child is born able to eat prey, but not hunt, so the parent's must feed them small bites of caught prey until the young is four months old, at which point it will begin to independently hunt. While the child will become self-sufficient in fifteen years, it will typically remain near its parents for its entire life

Ecology and Habitats

Draken Mir prefer dark and wet climates, where their scent and echolocation can be used most effectively. They often reside near swamps, rivers, and underground passages in nature, but also make homes in underground portions of cities (though they typically avoid sewer systems due to the strong smell). Draken Mir will typically roam a large area with their family, being acutely aware of changes in their environment, though they are typically not immediately hostile to other humanoids.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Draken Mir are obligate carnivores, but are relatively picky eaters. Much to the disdain of most other species, they prefer eating large, live prey, and don't typically cook or season their food. However, Draken Mir who co-exist with other species will, with some reluctance, agree to cook, or at least finish killing their prey, before eating it, though they will never be convinced to put plants anywhere near their food.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Draken Mir are typically split into small societies of families, with strong familial bonds between each member. They will typically inhabit a large area with their families which they roam for prey, but if the area becomes unsuitable, the entire family will move to a new area, travelling as a single migratory pack. Most Draken Mir do not form larger settlements, but isolated or particularly sociable individuals may move to the larger settlements of other species and take residence as a guard or craftsman. While territorial, Draken Mir tend not to attack humanoid trespassers, preferring to warn them off or even befriend them.

Average Intelligence

While Draken Mir are often considered to be stupid and slow, only the latter is true. A Draken Mir is not a particularly quick-thinking creature, but their primitive familial lifestyle is primarily by choice. Due to their long lifespans, Draken Mir have a unique mindset with a slow and methodical approach to problems, and rarely acting with much urgency. Older Draken Mir tend to be some of the most broadly skilled humanoids, dabbling in dozens of crafts over their lifetimes, and having a strong understanding of many societies and species. Occasionally, a Draken Mir will put their mind and passion to a single craft, resulting in an unparalleled mastery, although an inherent laissez-faire attitude to life makes this fairly rare.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Draken Mir have famously terrible eyesight, being essentially incapable of spotting anything within ten yards reliably, and rely primarily on other senses to guide them. An acute sense of smell mixed with an inherent memory for scents is used both for social identification and tracking, while their powerful echolocation is used in close quarters or water environments. A Draken Mir can fight as well as a fully-sighted humanoid in total darkness, but loud or discordant sounds will confuse them.
Draken Mir
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draken Mir Sapiens
160 years
Average Height
2 meters
Average Weight