Kingdom of Sipur

The Kingdom of Sipur is a nominal monarchy that holds significant influence over central Drisenheim, being the geopolitical equal to the Telzian empire, as well as holding significant influence over the critical channel east of Old Meridia. Historically, Sipur and Telzia have often been at war, which has escalated as of recent days into border skirmishes, as Sipur considers most of eastern Telzian claims to be occupation of independent territory. While the monarch of Sipur holds significant military and diplomatic power, the internal politics of Sipur resemble a kritarchy, with elected judges being responsible for both the creation and enforcement of laws.   Judges are chosen by the monarch, and are organized into courts, typically smaller than five, and hold practically unlimited power over their regions. However, due to the monarch's control of the military, this power is occasionally checked through military action, leading to spars between civilian and military security forces to be common. The monarch is not appointed through primogeniture, but is rather selected from the designated and preferred heir of the previous monarch. The military is responsible for enforcing this choice, though military re-designation of the heir is not uncommon. This system functions in a rather constant state of infighting, but has been stable, with neither the monarch, military, nor judges holding total power historically.   Internally, most citizens either serve under the military or are part of a sweeping number of worker's unions, with a minority serving as part of the judicial system or the monarch's court. The military practically acts as a massive corporation, maintaining both proper military forces and all parts of the logistics chains for those forces, including farmers, tradesmen, and other civilian professions. Those who are not part of this logistics chains are part of the worker's unions, historically created by the judicial system as partially self-governing committee for each regional trade. These unions vary from effective to utterly corrupt. Regardless, most citizens live regimented, though not unpleasant lives, with a hardy social safety net in most regions.    
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Chusaine, Meldrelco Kelderci Mutaphils
Slight (<5%) Population Ether Vin, Ether Zel
Minor (<20%) Population Draken Mir Caninoids, Felinoids
Major (<40%) Population Draken Dir

  • 2602 PM

    3 Month of Remembrance
    2602 PM

    5 Month of Remembrance

    Union Council Convenes
    Diplomatic action

    An emergency session of the State Council is called. Meridia reveals shocking projections of civilian and military casualties, and warn that Meridia could be overrun within the year. Over the following two days, Shu, Sipur, Tatsushi, and Telzia pledge peace until the undead threat can be dealt with.

  • 2602 PM

    25 Month of Remembrance

    Union Forces Arrive in Meridia
    Military action

    Initial from Shu, Sipur, Tatsushi, and Telzia arrive in Meridia, totaling fifty divisions. Over the next fourteen years of savage total war, nearly three hundred division from the Union will see combat in Meridia. Casualties are high, with retreat difficult and logistics stretched thin, but Union forces make the undead bleed for every inch of ground.

  • 2616 PM

    7 Month of Exploration

    Dispersal of the Undead
    Disaster / Destruction

    For reasons yet unknown, every known intelligent undead instantaneously reverts to a primal state similar to that of most undead, effectively ending the war. Land that was lost to the Undying Lands is unreclaimable, and the Four Empires lick their wounds.   In a mere fourteen years, Meridia is decimated to it's core, with 80% of it's population dead or maimed, while Shu is irrevocably splintered, drastically shifting the balance of power in central Drisenheim. The Telzian Empire appears as the clear victor, if any should be called such, suffering the least damage and gaining significant territory.