
69 points
Attribute Modifiers: DX+1 [20]; HT-1 [-10].
Secondary Characteristic Modifiers: HP+2 [4].
Advantages: Amphibious [10]; Arm ST (Tail) 5 [15]; Breath Holding 1 [2]; Constriction Attack [15]; Damage Resistance 1 [5]; Extra Arms 1 (Extra-Flexible, Foot Manipulator, Long +2, No Non-Grappling Physical Attack) [27]; Sensitive [5].
Disadvantages: Charitable (15) [-7]; Cold-Blooded [-5]; Xenophilia (12) [-10].
Perks: Scales [1]; Sure-Footed (Uneven) [1].
Quirks: Cannot Jump [-1]; Cannot Sprint [-1]; Imaginative [-1]; Proud [-1].
Features: No Legs (Slithers) ; Sheds Skin; Tail.

Basic Information


Meldrelco follow closely from their Zhirerco ancestors, with their body composed primarily of a long tail. However, unlike the Zhirerco, the Meldrelco posses a torso and functional arms, and a far more pronounced head, complete with a set of ears. Their backs are covered in vibrant scales, while their stomachs are ribbed with bone and larger, dull scales.   A typical Meldrelco will reach six feet tall when standing on their tail, though their entire body will reach nearly five meters long with their tails included. They typically move by slithering, which is not particularly fast for their size, but allows full movement in water, and a Meldrelco can climb trees almost as fast as it can slither.   The primary morphological characteristic of Meldrelco is the coloration of scales that line their backs. Unlike other Zhirerco descendants, Meldrelco coloration tends to be vibrant and colourful, with green, blue, yellow, and red being typical colours. Female Meldrelco have more angular faces and thinner torso sections, while males often have thicker torsos and flatter faces.

Genetics and Reproduction

Meldrelco reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. Once the female is fertilized, she will gestate for ten months, and give live birth. The child is born helpless, and requires the mother to feed them for up to two years with a combination of regurgitated food and milk. Once the child reaches two years, the parents will begin to teach it how to hunt and eat solid foods. The child will remain with the parents for up to 15 years, at which point it will be a fully formed adult. Almost all Meldrelco leave to travel the world and meet other races immediately upon being allowed to do so.

Ecology and Habitats

Meldrelco prefer warm and wet climates, especially rainforests, though they prefer not to reside primarily in water. However, due to their predilection to other species, Meldrelco will often reside wherever large settlements are built, often against their particular preferences. Some Meldrelco will even settle in colder regions, relying on others to brave the climate.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Meldrelco are omnivores, typically with a strong cultural basis for preparing and cooking both prey and plant before eating. Meldrelco can consume large amounts of food practically whole and digest it over weeks, but tend to eat in smaller portions as to not be lethargic.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Meldrelco are far more interested in other species, and typically form very few societal relations within their own species. When they do form larger societies, Meldrelco politics tend to be radical, with policies changing at rapid rates as opinions change and members join and leave. This often leads to rapid dissolution, and very infrequently leads to permanent settlements.   When exposed to other species, Meldrelco will attempt to learn as much as they can, and integrate into their societies. They typically flit around societies, utterly fascinated by other species, doing their best to learn all that there is. As they grow older, Meldrelco will eventually settle as respected members of a community, often as negotiators or arbitrators.

Average Intelligence

Meldrelco are of average intelligence for humanoids, with very little to differentiate themselves on the intellectual front. However, they are deeply emotionally intelligent, with a talent for understanding the emotions and drives of other species, and are fascinated by the differences in species. Mixed with a particularly imaginative mind, Meldrelco can often arrive at novel solutions using their breadth of perspective, though it may be nestled among many imaginatively stupid ideas.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Meldrelco senses are typical for a humanoid species, with a developed sense of sight and hearing, as well as a set of ears, atypical for Zhirerco descendants. They are known for possessing an intuitive understanding of the emotions of all humanoid species, though the mechanism of this sense is not fully understood.   Some rare subspecies of Meldrelco who typically live in darker climates have evolved effective thermal vision, but lack standard vision entirely. These subspecies tend to be encountered in underground tunnels, underwater caves, and under particularly dark rainforest canopies.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Anguis Magna Sapiens
75 years
Average Height
1.8 meters
Average Weight
Average Length
5 meters