
The Shukin are a splinter state of the now-extant Shu Empire, being one of the three remaining state (with the Shu and Balatia). The revolution of the Shukin was started by the lowest caste of the Shu Empire, the Dermeni, through their demands for relative equality and laxer citizenship standards, as well as their outrage that Meridia refugees were often treated better than Shu's own people. This led to a bloody and opportunistic provisional government being formed of Dermeni, which later became a permanent government once the Shu Empire was fractured.   The Shukin government is a constitutional government comprising two houses of government and a judicial branch. The first house is known as the Dermenia and is comprised of semi-elected positions, with each member serving for life unless they are recalled by a referendum within their administrative unit. If a recall occurs, a committee is formed (the makeup of is governed by local law) to elect a new representative. The representative is then presented to the second house, known as the Liberation Council, for confirmation, The Liberation Council was initially formed by prominent members of the revolution, and is formed of the 25 most senior members of the Dermenia. Laws must be passed both through the Dermenia and the Liberation Council, though a 2/3 supermajority of the Dermenia can pass laws unilateraly.   In the day to day of the Shukin, the federal government factors little into the lives of a citizen, who is primarily concerned with the local laws of the administrative unit (though all criminal legal enforcement is federal). All permanent residents of the Shukin are citizens and have nominally equal rights, though wealthy individuals can typically skirt laws as required, and the federal government is often heavy-handed in enforcing the ideology of a free people.  
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Kelderci, Meldrelco Chusaine Mutaphil
Slight (<5%) Population Draken Dir, Ether Zel Draken Mir
Minor (<20%) Population Felinoid, Ursinoid Ether Vin
Major (<40%) Population Caninoid