
Basic Information


Sutver are four-legged animals renowned for their endurance, with an average specimen slightly above nine feet tall and weighting just under a ton. Their skin is covered with thick, leathery fur, and a mane of rocky spines line their heads. Due to the short length of their legs, sutver are slow moving creatures who naturally travel in herds, but their wide frames and massive size allows them a great deal of strength for anything unfortunate enough to come near.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sutver reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. The female will lay an egg about once a week, which if fertilized, will hatch within a month into a sutver cub. The cub is able to move and graze shortly after being hatched, and will grow into a full sutver over the next three years.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Due to their strength and endurance, sapient races have used sutver as pack animals for centuries. Most sutver can carry twenty percent of their body weight for forty kilometres in a day without becoming fatigued. Well-bred examples can often carry nearly forty percent of their body weight in such a way, though these are rarely for sale, and highly treasured by their owners.   Sutver are also used as meat animals, due to their large amount of natural muscle and fat. However, due to their relatively slow reproduction rate and other uses, sutver meat is typically only consumed at special events or by wealthy humanoids. Sutver eggs are more commonly consumed, as they are naturally produced by sutver being used for other purposes, and are one of the staples of most humanoid cuisines.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Draken Bestia Sutver
45 years
Average Height
2.7 meters
Average Weight