Telzian Empire

The Telzian Empire is an absolute monarchy, with the Emperor holding complete power over all branches of government. The Privy Council, consisting of eight Masters of their respective fields who advise the Emperor, are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Empire and enforcing the Emperor's wishes. Due to the tenuous nature of the empire's existence, the Emperor primarily acts as a diplomatic force, and exercises their authority with care and nuance as to not invoke civil war. By birthright, the Emperor is the head of a strong, centralized military structure, comprising a soldiery, navy, and an internal service known as the Civil Defense Force.   Most law within the Telzian Empire is localized to each administrative district, with the Master of the district choosing a council of advisers that serve at his pleasure. Each council member must be a citizen of the district and cannot be part of the Empire's military branch. This council unilaterally writes and passes laws, though the Master of the district has final authority on vetoing any proposed laws. Central laws are passed through the Privy Council at the Emperor's leisure, but the body of central law is slim. Most law is instead passed through directives that instruct districts to draft certain types of laws within broad guidelines.   In cases of district law, a number of judges appointed by the central government travel throughout the district, hearing cases and interpreting laws. These judges have little power to strike down laws, but can force a law to be rewritten if it contradicts a central law. The rare cases of central law cases are attended to by magistrates who reside in the capitals of each district. Citizens in Telzian can live very different lives depending on their location in the Empire, as each administrative district has their own laws. Slavery per se has been outlawed, though similar structures exist in some administrative districts.
No Prejudice Little Prejudice Major Prejudice Undesirable
No (<1%) Population Chusaine, Meldrelco Mutaphils
Slight (<5%) Population Ursinoids Caninoids, Felinoids
Minor (<20%) Population Draken Dir Draken Mir
Major (<40%) Population Ether Zel, Ether Vin

  • 2602 PM

    3 Month of Remembrance
    2602 PM

    5 Month of Remembrance

    Union Council Convenes
    Diplomatic action

    An emergency session of the State Council is called. Meridia reveals shocking projections of civilian and military casualties, and warn that Meridia could be overrun within the year. Over the following two days, Shu, Sipur, Tatsushi, and Telzia pledge peace until the undead threat can be dealt with.

  • 2602 PM

    25 Month of Remembrance

    Union Forces Arrive in Meridia
    Military action

    Initial from Shu, Sipur, Tatsushi, and Telzia arrive in Meridia, totaling fifty divisions. Over the next fourteen years of savage total war, nearly three hundred division from the Union will see combat in Meridia. Casualties are high, with retreat difficult and logistics stretched thin, but Union forces make the undead bleed for every inch of ground.

  • 2616 PM

    7 Month of Exploration

    Dispersal of the Undead
    Disaster / Destruction

    For reasons yet unknown, every known intelligent undead instantaneously reverts to a primal state similar to that of most undead, effectively ending the war. Land that was lost to the Undying Lands is unreclaimable, and the Four Empires lick their wounds.   In a mere fourteen years, Meridia is decimated to it's core, with 80% of it's population dead or maimed, while Shu is irrevocably splintered, drastically shifting the balance of power in central Drisenheim. The Telzian Empire appears as the clear victor, if any should be called such, suffering the least damage and gaining significant territory.

  • 2672 PM

    2685 PM

    Construction of the Meridian Bypass
    Construction beginning/end

    The Telzian Empire begins construction of the Meridian Bypass, a modern wonder of road stretching from central Telzia to Balatia. Widely seen as a negotiation tactic with the Kingdom of Sipur and Shu in an ongoing trade war, the Meridian Bypass' stated goal is to lower the attrition of trade ships by undead sea monsters, and takes fifteen years to complete. To this day, Telzia subsidises caravans that use the Meridian Bypass to retain significant economic control over Meridia, Shu, and Sipur.