Vaplium Poisoning

Transmission & Vectors

Vaplium poisoning occurs after either ingesting liquid Vaplium or breathing gaseous Vaplium. It is common in those who work with Vaplium technologies, especially in poorly ventilated factories. Typically, due to the temperature of liquid Vaplium, the condition is primarily an airborne concern.   As Vaplium has a distinct smell, it is generally rare for Vaplium poisoning to take effect, as it requires exposure of up to a minute, and can be counteracted by holding one's breath. However, in particularly dense clouds of Vaplium, even those who are not breathing can quickly contract the condition.


Once an individual has been poisoned by Vaplium, the symptoms appear within the minute, and are primarily psychological. The individual first loses all sense of urgency, and is embraced by a deep sense of calm. In this state, they can easily be led around, but will not respond or comply with any orders. This persists for no more than two minutes, at which point the individual begins vigorously attempting to kill themselves, typically while screaming in pain.   In this state, the individual appears aware and cogent, though has no particular desire other than to kill themselves. They will attempt to do so by the most direct means, which may include using weapons, poisons, or their own hands. They do not appear to have any desire to hurt others around them, but if they are restrained, they will lash out at others with a considerable amount of newfound strength. Typically, this remains the state of the individual until death.


Treatment for the conditions is relatively simple; the individual must be rendered unconscious and allowed to sleep for at least an hour. When the individual awakes, they have no memory of anything after the poisoning, but are often in severe pain due to stress to muscle and cardiovascular health.   Awaking the individual within the hour has varying effects, seemingly unrelated to the time slept. The most common effect is severe, lasting depression, but delusions, schizophrenia, and comatose behavior have been noted. In all cases, there appears to be no cure for the adjoining condition, which lasts until death.


Vaplium poisoning can be prevented by ensuring that all places with a risk of Vaplium leakage are well ventilated, and by wearing thick cloth masks when working around Vaplium. Liquid Vaplium poisoning is rare due to the temperature Vaplium condenses at, though is often more fatal, as the symptoms begin to immediately set in.
Chemical Compound