
Basic Information


A Zhirerco consists primarily of a lengthy, smooth body attached to a hooded head, on which a disturbingly humanoid face is positioned. The back is typically scaled and aposematically colored, with the belly being significantly softer. Most Zhirerco subspecies have venomous fangs, although the venom is typically a weaker phospholipases-based cytotoxin with a low fatality rate.   Most Zhirerco are 7m long, with the main morphological characteristic being the color of their scaled back and stomach. Some examples lack the hood and venom, and are significantly longer, reaching up to 10m, but these are relatively rare.

Genetics and Reproduction

Zhirerco reproduce sexually, with a male and female partner. Once the female is fertilized, she will produce eggs, but will hold these in a special chamber in her body until they hatch, typically within 3 month, at which point the live offspring will emerge from the female's body, typically in groups of about a dozen. The young are capable of feeding themselves on smaller prey, and quickly scatter from their mother before they are eaten.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Zhirerco will grow to full size over the course of four years, developing venom near the end of their first year, and slowly grow larger over the course the proceeding lifetime.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Zhirerco are carnivores who eat their prey whole once they have incapacitated it with venom or constriction. The prey will typically be digested over the course of a week, with the Zhirerco spitting out the bones and other non-digestible parts. Zhirerco will usually eat once a month, as they are very energy efficient creatures.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Zhirerco are considered dangerous pests, as they tend to see humanoids as easy prey, and are often hunted to extinction in any inhabited zone. Sparse pockets are known to exist in undeveloped areas, and the Human Lands are theorized to have a large population of Zhirerco.

Average Intelligence

Zhirerco are not sapient creatures, being not much smarter than the average snake. However, they show a disturbing propensity to learn hunting tactics, being able to understand how and why a prey is dangerous after an encounter, and changing their strategy accordingly. Attempts to domesticate Zhirerco have been entirely fruitless.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Zhirerco are able to see and smell as well as a humanoid, and unlike standard snakes, they possess a nose rather than using their tongue to smell. However, they have no ears, using a vibration sensor within their skull, so their sense of hearing is dulled.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Anguis Magna Comedenti
50 years
Average Weight
Up to 450kg
Average Length