Okinashima Academy Island

The Okinashima Academy is a massive facility located in the Oki islands. It serves as the Asylum center for DRIVERs from Japan and Korea, as well some from elsewhere in East Asia, and encompasses the entire 2.4 mega-are island, the prior population having been evacuated when it was designated. Considered an extraterritoriality, the Academy Island is functionally self-governing, but overseen, supplied - and quarantined - by UNICEF.     <Much of the academy's construction was funded by a group of anonymous benefactors, which is one reason for the over-the-top nature. These benefactors are not anonymous to UNICEF, who leaked their identity to anti-DRIVE terrorists, and caused some... incidents.>


The Academy's population is primarily Japanese, but includes a significant Korean minority. There are small numbers of Chinese and Russian nationals, as well as Americans from US military bases in Japan. Over 80% of the population is between the ages of 15-30, weighted toward the lower range. Most older than that are reassigned to different Asylums.


Okinashima Academy, being technically a school but lacking in any real faculty, is primarily run by its Student Council, overseen by the UNICEF administration. The Council are a group of DRIVEr self-selected from among the inhabitants, mandated to ensure the smooth operation of the Academy. On paper, the Council is elected by the student body, and is granted the authority to appoint 'instructors' and operate classes, as well as given a significant budget of ex-nihilo Academy Score points to 'pay' for errands, or for their own use. Though technically elected by the student body at a whole, this election takes Score into account, meaning that the greatest fighters, and the Student Council itself, have an enormous sway. De-facto, members are appointed to the Council based on strength and the favor of the existing council members. The UNICEF administration has no presence on the ground, and no direct authority over the goings-on at the Academy. However, as any rebellious individuals quickly realize, UNICEF is the Academy's sole lifeline to the outside world. They decide on how the Score and Comissary systems work, as well as supplying the majority of necessary materials... and have their finger on the trigger of the island's failsafe self-destruct systems. Additionally, the satelite uplink atop the Administration Tower is the only means of communication with the outside world. Despite having no direct authority, UNICEF is without a doubt the true master of Okinashima island, and the Student Council's must inevitably maintain their favor if they want things to function.


The island-city as a whole has no defenses of note, other than it's inhabitants. However, it *does* have a vast arsenal of weapons trained on it, to the point one might almost get the impression it is closer to a prison than a school, the surrounding shores constantly patrolled by fleets of warships, batteries of cannons on the nearby islands, and even several high-yield nuclear weapons buried under the island as a 'failsafe'. Moreover, the entire island is surrounded with a 'plasma fence' a remarkable and expensive network of high-tech towers that emit a low-level field that detects and, in the event, rapidly energizes to repel (and vaporize) anything that attempts to pass through.


The architecture of the academy grounds is dominated by a peculiar style defined by sharp points folding into broad curves.
Characters in Location
  • 2027 CE

    24 /6

    Pacific Academy Proposal

    Following the completion of China's <???> Academy, not wanting to be outdone, several Oceanic and East Asian nations propose the creation of a new DRIVEr Academy to serve the region, to be located in Polynesia. Unfortunately, the agreement falls apart, as there are simply too many vastly different nations involved.

    Additional timelines
  • 2027 CE


    Night's Dawn Project

    Following the failure of the Pacific Academy, a number of Japanese executives band together, proposing the development of a privately funded Academy. This Academy would be more advanced than any created so far, and demonstrate Japan's wealth to the world.

    Additional timelines


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