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Siv Hellsing

Syvela Hellsing

Mini Backstory

  • 1-31 Years Old: Siv grew up as a Ātherosian princess but always strived to achieve more in life, never satisfied with her life of privilege and loyalty.
  • 32-36 Years Old: Rain meets Siv and a forbidden love blossoms between a princess and a pirate.
  • 37 Years Old: Siv and Rain have twin daughters and are happier than they have ever been, however they soon are approached by the elders of there city and are given a prophecy saying that if they aren’t allowed to grow on their own, it will bring great destruction upon the people of Ātheros, and there family would find nothing but despair. After much argument and tears the parents gave up their daughters to the elders who scattered them into different terrible places. Siv abandoned her family and together Rain and Siv kept an eye out for their children.
  • 38-40 Years Old: After many years of searching and finding nothing, Rain and Siv decide to split up, becoming far flung pirates.
  • 44-61 Years Old: Siv becomes one of the greatest and most respected pirate lords to have ever ruled in The Plunder. This gave her a sense of wonder and purpose that she had never felt before.

Physical Description

A tall six foot two tiefling woman with soft pink skin dotted with purplish freckles. Her long black hair hangs in waves down her back and she has multiple pierced rings in her eye brows, her eyes also seem to glow slightly gold like two illuminated coins. She wears a dark black jacket with red silk lining. She also wears a brown leather bodice around her waist. She carries two golden flintlock pistols on her hips (not on the coat, under the coat.) and a chest holder where two more golden flintlocks lay. (Not on the hero forge.) In her hand she also carries a large battle axe that has been made from what looks like finely wrought platinum and traces of gold. The axes design is a truly unique creation, as at the top of this double bladed weapon is a metal statue of a naked man and woman entwined with each other. (This weapon is also not on the hero forge and I have provided inspiration below. I would like to have the dirt bits artfully covered up, similar to the axe below. My apologies if this makes you feel a little uncomfortable.) Atop her head she wears a black and red pirate captains tricorn hat and poking out the top (also not on the hero forge, sorry.) is a massive and absurd purple feather.

Plot Hooks

  • If the party calls for a parley, one of the Ātherosian sky ships will land in the water and let a small party of seven individuals meet on neutral ground with whoever called a parley. In this party will be four guards, Amos and Valeria Duuren, and Mistress Lanira. Lanira will take up most of the talking and if Siv, Roxanne, or Helene is there then she will talk about the prophecy and beg them to split apart once again. Siv will not want to hear it and will cut off Lanira at every turn. Eventually though, massive harpoons will be fired from approaching ships flying Sivs crews flag. This will spark anger in Lanira's eyes and the Ātherosians will begin combat. If Lanira is killed then it will be seen as a high act of war on Ātheros.
  • At some point, Broaduk will challenge Siv and her crew to a friendly challenge by combat, either when Siv tries to abandon her duties as a pirate lord, or when she tries to take the party to retrieve her Bottled Horizon. Siv will ruefully accept to maintain her reputation and will fight for a short time against Broaduk. However out of nowhere a legion of automatons sweep in from every side and begin to pick off both Siv and Broaduk’s crew. Broaduk will immediately command his troops to turn on the automatons and cover Sivs escape. If things start to look good for the party, The Banker and some of his most badass enforcers will walk in and push back the party. This fight is not meant to be won and The Banker will try to kill Siv and Broaduk. If the party escapes then The Banker will swoop in and become almost twice as feared in The Plunder and have Siv and Broaduk banished for cowardice.
  • Siv is in possession of a Bottled Horizon but has hidden it beneath the Unsung Sea. This can be discovered through either boasting or if she sees the Monkey's Toe.
  • The Banker wants to remove Siv from power to leave a power vacuum, one that they intend on filling. If Broaduk so happens to get caught up in the crossfire, then so much the better.


Siv Hellsing


Towards Rain Hellsing

Rain Hellsing


Towards Siv Hellsing


  • Age: 61
  • Race: Tiefling
  • Class: Fighter, Rouge
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Eyes: Gold
  • Hair: Long black
  • Skin: Pink
  • Height: 6’2”
  • Weight: 162 lbs



She is an extremely badass woman who is extremely good at being a leader, she even managed to whip a group of pirates into shape. Her only real soft spots are for her trusted Allie’s like Broaduk, or for her loved ones like Rain and her daughters.


Pirate lord of The Plunder


Character Sheet

Rain Hellsing (spouse)
Aligned Organization

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