
Avena is a lesser goddess of medicine and science. Her followers believe in the health and betterment of themselves and those around them, and are committed healers. They also believe that nothing should be done one way if there is a more efficient way for it to be done, and so strive to find that which is most efficient. Avena has a fairly consistent avatar, that of a young woman with wavy greenish hair, light green skin, and antlers made from tree branches.

Divine Domains

Avena’s divine domain is Life.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Avena's holy symbol is a tree contained within a circle, known as the Tree of Life.
"Do not weep, my child. The heavens themselves shine down upon you, for you are my Chosen."
— Ahena, spoken to Marie Eurault, her first chosen aasimar
Divine Classification
Lesser Celestial
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Healer; The Soothing One
Year of Birth
153 E.G. 2138 Years old

Character Portrait image: Melandru's Blessing by Agata .


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