
Conzotl was the god of minerals, gems, and other natural earthen resources, as well as a symbol of technological innovation, before created the dwarves. His doctrine revolves around innovation and creation. Before the God War, Conzotl was personally responsible for the creation of all dwarves, who at the time had much longer lifespans, heights more similar to humans, and more rock-like skin; however, when the God War began, he did not have the time to do so, and the dwarves began to evolve on their own.

Divine Domains

Conzotl's divine domains are Forge and Knowledge


There is a well-known myth of an artifact of Conzotl that may exist on the material plane; the Hammer of Creation. Though no mortal in recent history has ever found this hammer, there exists ancient literature containing clues as to its whereabouts, if it even still exists. The Church of Conzotl is split in its beliefs surrounding the hammer, with around half believing it exists and the other half believing it doesnt. Both halves of the church believe the others' beliefs to be blasphemous.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Conzotl depicts the mythological Hammer of Creation, a large battlehammer which has intricate designs carved into it.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Conzotl believe in innovation and creation above all things. Many of his temples double as forges.


The largest and most ubiquitous holiday associated with Conzotl is Tuconzil, a week-long festival in which followers of Conzotl gather to share and display their inventions.
"We are dwarves, damn it! Crafted by the hands of Conzotl himself. We! Will! Not! Back! Down!"
— End of a speech given by the king of Vransia just before the invasion from Reuni
Divine Classification
Greater Celestial
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Dwarves; The Allfather; The Gearsmith; The Tinkerer; Father of the Forge; The Innovative
Year of Birth
2531 E.G. 4516 Years old

Character Portrait image: Troll by Andrea Guardino


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