
Dwarves are one of the five original races native to the material plane, along with orcs, gnomes, humans, and halflings. Dwarves were created by the greater celestial Conzotl, one of the five Core Deities. Before the God War, dwarves were each hand-crafted personally by Conzotl, and their form was much different than that of a modern dwarf: they were tall, reaching around 5-6 feet in adulthood, and their skin much more closely resembled whatever stone they were crafted from. However, during and after the God War, Conzotl had a lot less time on his hands, and the dwarves were forced, as a result, to reproduce on their own. They gradually became shorter over time, as it was better suited for their environment and higher altitudes. Dwarves are separated into three main subraces: Hill dwarves, mountain dwarves, and grey dwarves (also known as duergar).

Basic Information


Dwarves are shorter and stouter humanoids, with unparalleled resistance to toxins and poisons. They tend to grow a lot more hair than other humanoids, with long beards regardless of gender; an adaptation that suited the cold underground and mountainous terrain that the dwarves called home.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves live to around 350 years, and reach maturity at around 30 years old.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves, being used to living in low-light environments in their underground cities within mountains, have developed an ability to see in the dark, unable to discern colours but enough to make out their surroundings.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dwarf names consist of two parts: a given name, and a surname. Dwarven given names include names such as Aedril, Markus, Brekkus, or Lachlan, for men, or Dendrae, Maevenn, Lyrci, or Ranven for women. Dwarven surnames are inherited from a parent of the same gender, or if no such dwarf exists, another parent. Dwarven names are sacred, as are their family ties, and so dwarves do not change their name upon marriage. Dwarven surnames are compound words describing a feat of some kind achieved by either the dwarf or one of their ancestors; e.g., Steelstriker, Dragonchosen, Lightbringer, etc. Dwarves can also earn a new surname in place of their old one if they themselves achieve a noteworthy feat.

Clarifications: "Dwarven" vs "Dwarvish"

The terms “dwarvish” and “dwarven” are often confused for one another. Both are words and are correct in their own right; the difference, however, is the context of their usage. The term “dwarven” is used to describe people - a dwarf who is a woman is a dwarven woman. The term “dwarvish”, on the other hand, is used to denote objects of places associated with dwarves. A city inhabited by dwarves is a dwarvish city, and a blade crafted by a dwarf is an dwarvish blade.
Genetic Descendants
350 yrs
Average Height
4-5 ft
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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