
Goliaths are a race native to the mountains of Dulūn, the result of interbreeding between giants and the dwarves of old, much larger than modern dwarves and even larger than modern goliaths. Goliaths communities largely subsit through pastoralism, keeping goats, sheeps, and cows as livestock. They live in high altitudes, with exceptional resistance against the cold and endurance similar to the stone on which they reside.

Basic Information


Goliaths are tall, ranging anywhere in height from 8 feet to 10 feet tall. Their skin is largely shades of greys, tending to be cooler greys, with hints of blue or purple. It is also customary of goliaths to tattoo thier bodies in geometric lines and patterns, beginning as they come of age and expanding with meritous actions.

Growth Rate & Stages

Goliaths have short lifespans, only living around 60-70 years. They reach maturity at 15, and goliaths over the age of 60 are considered elders and looked up to by their communities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goliath names have three parts. The first part of their name is a given name, either resembling dwarf names like Aerdyr, Lannus, Maedre, and Loki, or resembling giant names, like Marra, Darin, Mik, or Latar. The second part of their name is a moniker given for either an anusual behaviour, aspect of appearance, or accomplishment. These names resemble dwarves surnames, but are unique to individuals and given communally when a goliath comes of age. Some examples of these are: Wolfkiller, Deathwalker, Herbgrower, or Sandeater. Goliath surnames are based on the clan into which the goliath was born, with upwards of 100 goliaths sharing the same surname, if they live in the same community. These surnames can be names such as: Lakleiana, Tantarana, Luitimel, Astalimar, or Valenitus.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
60-70 yrs
Average Height
8-10 ft
Geographic Distribution

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