
Hobgoblins are a race of red-skinned honour-bound humanoids originating from the feywild. Despite their name, hobgoblins are not related at all to goblins, bearing little to no resemblance or genetic ties. The Hobgoblins, like the rest of the species of the feywild, originally had one member, and immortal version of their race through which the others were formed. Hobgoblins are technically unseelie, though they are much more lawful than the majority of their fellow unseelies. The mightiest of the hobgoblins are members of the Knights of the Dusk, an order of knights headed by the Prince of Hobgoblins, Balvan. It is rumoured that these knights share Balvan's immortality.

Basic Information


Hobgoblins are larger than an average human, standing around 6-7 feet tall. They have skin tones ranging between shades of red and orange, with darker hair colours including blacks and browns, and eye colours of browns, reds, oranges, and yellows. They have tusks jutting out from their lower jaws, and pointed, downturned ears.

Growth Rate & Stages

The majority of hobgoblins live for around 300 years in the material plane, though because of the variability of time in the Feywild, this is a rough estimate that does not hold true for every hobgoblin, especially those who spend their entire lives in the feywild. Hobgoblins reach maturity around the age of 30. However, members of the Knights of the Dusk have an expanded lifespan. None of the members of the Knights of the Dusk have died, and the oldest knight (other than Balvan himself) has achieved the age of an equivalent of 1,342 years on the material plane. It is rumoured that the lifespans of the Knights are linked directly to Balvan’s, and that they can only die of old age if Balvan were ever to die.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Hobgoblins have the ability to see in the dark, and have notable fortitude against being charmed.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Hobgoblins have two parts of their names, the first of which they are given at birth, often 3-5 syllables long. Some examples of masculine hobgoblin given names include: Porgak, Toreshet, Argenel, Mantorik, and Lygak. Some examples of feminine hobgoblin given names include: Tyteli, Meyanora, Alimara, Itarele, and Ferima. In addition, hobgoblins have a title that they are given by others later in life, an adjective describing them, such as the Fearless, the Helpful, the Blessed, or the Shy. These titles are subject to change if a hobgoblin’s personality changes. Some examples of full hobgoblin names include: Karrigan the Hotheaded, Vatera the Wise, Magark the Coward, or Torad the Marksman.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Hobgoblins are a very communal people, spending a lot of time with one another and sharing most, if not all, of their belongings. Hobgoblin communities put a lot of focus on warriors, whether these be hunters, tacticians, soldiers, or otherwise. It is heavily prized within a hobgoblin community to be physically strong and to dominate in battle. For many hobgoblins, their ultimate goal is to become strong enough for Balvan to take notice of them and invite them to join the Knights of the Dusk. Magic is also treasured by hobgoblins, as there are not many hobgoblins who are able to use magic, and those who are are often revered, especially if this magic can benefit them in combat. In hobgoblin culture, it is crucial that every hobgoblin does their best to help every other hobgoblin as best as they can.
approx. 300 yrs
Average Height
6-7 ft.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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