Knights of the Dusk

The Knights of the Dusk are an elite group of hobgoblin warriors selected personally by Balvan, either because of notable achievements or great potential that cause them to catch his eye. The Knights are all hobgoblins, and it is considered the highest possible honour for a hobgoblin to be selected to become part of the Knights. There are seven hobgoblins who have ever been Knights of the Dusk, and currently five active members, with six total current members. The first of these is Rokror the Old, the first Knight to be selected, around 2000 years old. The next hobgoblin that was selected was Tokan the Mindful, followed by Valkali the Noble, Kalan the Mighty, Marva the Headstrong, Masaral the Shadow, and finally, Oreg the Reckless.
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Notable Members
Related Species

Character flag image: Dusk Emblem by notahumanhand


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