Itya is a goddess of knowledge and learning. Her followers believe that the most valuable thing a person can have is knowledge. She is known as the Sage or the Learned One by her followers. Her temples double as libraries, and she does not have many holidays because her followers believe that as much time should be spent learning as possible, and holidays would only interfere with that. Instead, followers worshipped Itya by reading her divine texts, with the belief that every time they reread her doctrine, new information would be revealed. Itya almost always appears with a grey hooded cloak, underneath which her pale skin and white hair may show, holding a lantern glowing with blue light. Itya's angels appear as non-corporeal floating blue spirits, similar to the light of Itya's lantern.
Divine Domains
Itya’s divine domain is Knowledge.
Holy Books & Codes
There are a number of texts associated with Itya, written by her first followers long ago. They contain revelations, anecdotes, beliefs, proverbs, and prayers, as well as the core tenants of the faith.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
The holy symbol of Itya is an open book with one page depicting an open palm.
"Thank you for your interest in the Grand University of Itya. After careful consideration of your application, I regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place in the class of 1989. This year's application pool was the strongest in our establishment's history, and we are unable to offer admission to every student. We wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors."
Divine Classification
Intermediate Celestial
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Sage;
The Learned One
Year of Birth
2011 E.G.
3996 Years old