
Before creating the halflings, Khisteus was the god of the sky, as well as the weather and the atmosphere. He was originally a very kind and happy personality, which he imbued into the halflings in their creation. After his rebirth, however, he was much more temperamental, trying his best to stay calm and happy but unable to keep other emotions from overflowing; this is what leads to the mostly unpredictable nature of the weather. However, Khisteus’ followers still call him by titles such as He Who Smiles, though other titles such as Lord of the Sky and the Thunderbringer are more common. Khisteus is a greater celestial, and of the five original celestials, Khisteus stands out the most in that, out of his followers, there are significantly less halflings than other races who follow him, despite the halflings being Khisteus’ creation. Khisteus’ holidays all take place during the day, under the light of the midday sun. His holidays also do not have set dates on which they occur, as they will only take place on days where the sun is out and brightly visible.

Divine Domains

Khisteus' divine domains are Light and Tempest.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Khisteus is a sun split in half by a lightning bolt.
"Yes, the thunderstorms, hurricanes, and earthquakes are unpleasant. But this only gives us more reason to celebrate when Khisteus smiles upon us once again."
— A priest of Khisteus
Divine Classification
Greater Celestial
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Sky; He Who Smiles; The Thunderbringer; The Blinding Light
Year of Birth
2531 E.G. 4516 Years old

Character Portrait image: Titan by Dong geon Son


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