
Morta is a lesser goddess of lost souls, and those who have lost their way between their life and the afterlife. She resides within the shadowfell, and helps guide these lost souls into their proper places. It is said Morta is the first of these souls, who became unable to get to wherever her destination was, and after years upon years of being lost, when she finally got to the afterlife, she chose not to stay, instead electing to lead others like her.

Divine Domains

Morta’s divine domain is Grave.
"My kind have failed me. The gods have failed me. The last remaining that haven't failed me are the spirits of the Shadowfell. So, I shall return to them."
— Excerpt from the book "Goddess of Souls: An Interpretation of the Story of Morta", unknown author
Divine Classification
Lesser Celestial
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lost Queen; The Dark Queen; The Soulcarrier
Year of Birth
46 E.G. 2031 Years old
Ruled Locations

Character Portrait image: Priestess by Valeria Styajkina


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