
Arrakis, Dune, Desert Planet. While one of the most inhospitable and least populated planets in the Imperium, Arrakis is also the most important. On this planet the most valuabe substance in the universe can be found: the spice melange. This geriatric drug is the only way the Imperium can stay connected as the Guild Navagators must have it to successfully move thier heighliners accross the universe.   The planet itself is a vast desert with only a small amount of rock jutting out of the desert, and tiny ice caps where the bulk of the planet's scant water dwells. Most people live around the northern reaches in small towns and villiages. These local towns folk are called pyons. At the edges of the inhabited areas are the native people of the planet, the Fremen.   The plant itself is ruled under a fief dolled out by the Emperor. The current ruling house is House Kemic. Several other houses, including House Cul'thir also operate domains on Arrakis at the behest of House Kemic.


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