Cerridwen Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Cerridwen (CARE-uh-dwihn)

Cerridwen's name was first encountered in a ledger dropped by Gaius detailing information about her target Krispus Varius. The heroes caught up with her at Krispus' manor but were too late to stop her from murdering him in his sleep. As she fled she left behind a poorly-formed fire elemental seemingly summoned by a symbol on the floor that made a sound Hope almost understood which destroyed the upper floor of the manor, but not before Hope managed to create a telepathic link with her. The only thoughts he was able to pick up from her were a panicked "shit shit shit!"   Aldar managed to follow her tracks to a halfling's farm just outside of the city where she was hiding on the roof of a barn. After a brief fight she was captured alive to be returned. Once bound she did not fight and ignored Hope's continued attempts to communicate with her telepathically. One of the militiamen who accompanied the heroes explained that if she was found responsible for the murder she would be hanged.   Upon returning to governor Malvus Domitia's house beside the crime scene Cerridwen explained that she was hired to kill Krispus by a client who's name she didn't know but she described him as resembling Gaius. She claimed to be working alone but hinted that she may have been hoping to join a group of some sort. Since she accepted responsibility for the murder she has been sentenced to death and will be taken to the prison to await her execution. Before being lead away she finally responded to Hope's request for a chance to talk by telling him he knows where to find her. Hope and Aldar spoke with her in the jail cell where she told them her story of losing everything in The Calamity and that she feels nothing of value will be lost when she is executed.

A raggedy halfling assassin

Current Status
The mysterious symbol

Cover image: by DALL-E
Character Portrait image: by artbreeder


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