Gaius Character in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Gaius introduces himself as a peddler who had just arrived in Denpalus from the north and warned that a group of coxotes were headed towards the goblins who had recently returned to their village. After handling the coxotes give him no further thought until Hope notices that the window in his room at The Yellow Swan was left open. Hope checks under his bed to find Gaius, who was hoping to retrieve the ledger he had accidentally left behind the last time he was in town. He explains that he is a low-level smuggler who occasionally works for Krispus Varius in his retirement from legitimate trade. When confronted that the young acid drake he brought to the city on Krispus' behalf killed two city workers he is remorseful but bitterly claims that Krispus is responsible for even more deaths. Hope returns his ledger to him and the heroes let him go if he promises to visit governor Malvus Domitia to become the official trader between the goblin town and Denpalus.
The next night after Krispus is murdered by Cerridwen she describes her client as Gaius, who had not given her his name but paid her quite well. The heroes checked on the goblin village before leaving for Pompelo but he had not upheld his promise to become their trader.
Other traders who have known Gaius say his wife and daughter were killed in a fire in their home in Pompelo.
Days later Brynner found a body of an elderly man with the ledger Hope had returned to Gaius before he left Denpalus. Brynner claimed that he must have been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

An older Campmagnan man, a little frail and kind of pathetic.

Current Status
Deceased (presumably)

Cover image: by DALL-E
Character Portrait image: by artbreeder


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