Goblin Species in Dungeon World | World Anvil
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Often seen as vicious, always kind of pathetic. Goblins are small, intelligent folk who are typically found in dangerous locations and can be quick to act in response to threats. As such, many goblins are perceived by other peoples as violent pests akin to jackals, and this can sometimes be true. But if time is taken to really communicate with them they can be just as reasonable as any other kind of person.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Goblins are short folk, slightly smaller than halflings and scraggly in form. Their skin is a greenish-gray and their ears are long and pointed. Their teeth are generally sharper than other intelligent species, though they are omnivores so they do have molars as well. If they have hair it is generally thin and stringy in dark colors, though most males and females are bald but for eyebrows.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblins live short lives in often dangerous locations so they rely heavily on their communities. They'll normally have a single or small group of leaders, generally the oldest or best protectors through cleverness or strength. Since they so often live in dangerous environments it's common for children to be raised collectively by all the members of the group to increase their odds of survival. When a group lives as hunter-gatherers the youngest and smallest gather while the largest hunt small game in groups; both are considered equally valuable.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Goblins can be primarily found in the relatively sparse forests dotting the plains of the western part of the continent in lands claimed by The Republic of Campmagni but can also be found living in caves along the mountains that make up The Kingdom of Slibro As they are generally small they prefer to live and hunt in areas where larger, aggressive creatures do not.

Average Intelligence

Goblins are intelligent in that they possess language and social structure, though most goblin societies focus more on survival rather than education. Groups who live near other civilizations might pick up the local language in addition to their own, but such is rarely a priority for them.
Garluck the goblin
by Wizards of the Coast
40 years
Average Height
Average Weight


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