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Adalet (Add-a-let)

Adalet is the lawful good greater god of law, justice, and strategy.


Adalet was portrayed in a variety of ways with a wide range of ages and races. Amongst humans he was frequently represented as an armoured man in his 40s (human age) with a sword in one hand and a weighing scales in the other. As well as humans, he was often associated with dwarfs by whom he was depicted as substantially older, blind, and carrying a warhammer as he was the symbol of 'blind justice'. Non-dwarven depictions did sometimes feature Adalet as blind.   Adalet was a fair judge, but he was hard to understand to those outside his faith, as they more readily perceived him as a stern and rigid punisher. On the other hand, he was seen as a brave father-figure to his followers. In truth, he was well aware that a lawful utopia would never be possible in the imperfect Material Plane, yet this did not stop him from encouraging his followers to make the world a better place.


Among Adalet's worshipers were soldiers, magistrates, the oppressed, paladins, and generals. In Anakara, he is primarily followed as part of the Tripartite Blades.   The holiday dedicated to Adalet is usually a multi-day affair known as the Balancing of Scales, ranging from the 8th to the 11th of Awakening. During this time, constables and justices from local seats of authority travel to the more far-reaching areas of their land to hear local cases and ensure that the local authorities have judged them correctly. These justices are often followed by dedicated followers of Adalet, making pilgrimages to ensure their god's righteousness is adhered to. Some places were known to use this time to give oppurtunities to convicts to plead their case for repentance and to have their sentences commuted. For the common folk, the day when their cases were tried was often accompanied by street performances of plays and songs about courts and their justice.


Adalet was worshipped as part of the Peregrinian Pantheon, where he is refered to as Iustitias. In this capacity, he is seen as the symbol of domestic rule, law and order, and justice. He is closely associated with one of the two monarchical bloodlines in the diarchy of Peregrinus.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domain: Order, War
A good man is a hammer in the hand of Adalet.

~ Priest of Adalet