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Curumek (Sue-rue-meck / Shoo-rue-meck)

(a.k.a. Çürümek)

Curumek was the god of the death, rot, and decay. Curumek was a widely hated god who saw little worship outside of singular, fanatical cults dedicated to widespread death. Awakened oozes often formed the core of his faithful, as well as some fanatical myconids.


Amongst humanoids, Curumek was portrayed as a decaying and rotting emaciated male, clad only in a loin cloth. As such, Curumek was not seen as a cruel or violent god per se, but rather as a god who sought only the death and decay of all living matter.   Amongst myconids, he was often shown with dripping and ooze filled spores across his body, with one fist clutched in the air. Despite the somewhat more violent nature present within myconid views of Curumek, he was still not considered an overtly violent or bloodthirsty deity. 


Amongst humanoids, Curumek was primarily worshipped alongside Hastalik as part of the Entropic Rot, with the aim of spreading disease and death across Dünya. Adherants would intentionally live with sickness in order to spread it to others whilst maintaining a degree of resistance to diseases, with the goal of turning all life to decaying death.   Curumek featured as part of the dualistic pantheon of myconids alongside Dongusu. In this capacity, Curumek was viewed as the decay of life into death with Dongusu representing to return of dead matter into living matter.   His holy day was known as the Mulching, and was celebrated by followers on the 30th of Goldening. The day celebrated the begin of autumn when plants would shed their leaves and begin to rot.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  Domain: Death
To die is to once have lived: for all things must go to the Beyond. Let thou ne'er seek life-eternal through undeath, only then shalt ye know true suffering.

~ A tenet of Olum's teachings