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Kuraklik (Koo-rah-click / Cure-ah-click)

(a.k.a. Kuraklık)

Kuraklik is the god of drought, starvation, and torridness. He is closely associated with the desert and the desert sun, although his wrath of starvation and thirst are known throughout Dünya.  


Kuaklik was portrayed as shockingly thin and gaunt. He was often shown wearing loose-hanging clothes that covered most of his body, protecting him from the scorching sun. Alongside this, he was sometimes shown carrying or wearing a veil to both cover his horrific features and also as a symbol of him casting sandstorms and other boughts of torridness on the population.


Kuaklik, much like other gods within the Doom Harbingers pantheon, was seldom directly worshipped but was quite widely known and prayed to during times of drought and famine. His followers would infiltrate communities and undermine their food and water supplies. Kuaklik's worshippers were widespread sowers of chaos during wartime - his followers would conduct espionage to poison wells and destroy crops. For this reason, followers of Kuaklik would often also revere Hastalik, even if they were not prescribers to the Doom Harbingers.   Kuaklik was viewed as a more naturalistic god in In'qwane and the Qahila Desert, although he was not a feature of any of the pantheons of the peoples living there. Although not the deity of the monotheistic Iiman religion, many people living in Ramaal Dhahabia were still somewhat superstitious of the impact which Kuaklik might have.   The holy day for Kuaklik is known as Sun Scorch and is celebrated on the 30th of Highsummer. Followers would often take the day to bask in the heat of summer and taking the full day to fast and refrain from drinking anything in order to experience the feeling of starvation and thirst that their god commanded they inflict on others. None adherents rarely observe this day and the traditions that come with it, although some would still take the day to utter a prayer to protect themselves from any droughts or famines.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domain: Death, Nature