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Sanssiz (Şanssız)

(a.k.a. Şanssız)

Sanssiz is the chaotic evil god of accidents, bad luck, and misfortune. He is considered the equal and opposite to Talih, the goddess of good luck.


Sanssiz appeared as a middle-aged, tall, slim, and clean-shaven man with pure white hair, which was usually depicted smartly combed back. He was shown as very pale and dressed in tight-fitting blacks which covered most of his body. He was frequently depicted with symbols of ill luck, such as being surrounded by black cats, a raven or crow, birds flying overhead towards the right, or a cayote walking away from him. Of all these symbols, however, he was most often shown holding a shattered hand mirror.   Notably, he was shown as clean shaven even amongst dwarfs, a symbol of his misfortune and lack of honour.   When depicted alongside alongside Talih, he was shown stood on her left with the pair facing away from each other. Usually, he is depicted looking down showing his desire for demise, whilst she is shown looking upwards as a symbol of her more positive outlook. It is from this relationship that the sides of a coin are refered to as 'faces'.


The primary religion which worshipped Sanssiz was the Dual Faith, a faith which held both Talih and the afformentioned god of misfortune as their devoted. Their adherents were known to be extraordinarily superstitious, spending their time reading omens in attempts to tell the future or avoiding signs of misfortune in order to save themselves and others from calamity.   Those who didn't worship Sanssiz directly would still appeal to him, not out of reverence or through religious faith, but in order to appease him and prevent misfortune. A small number of people seriously directed worship to Sanssiz, praying that his misfortune would destroy others.   Sanssiz's holy day was the 21st of Frosting, refered to as Fate's Eclipse. It occured the day after The Long Night intercalary day, which was therefore surrounded on the other side by Talih's holy day Fortune's Favour. It was a solemn feast day, where common folk would cast coins in wells and throw salt over their left shoulder to symbolically pray that Sanssiz would not smite them with poor luck. Acorns would be hung in front of doors as a symbol of goodluck to outweigh Sanssiz's unfortunate influence.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domain: Trickery
Sanssiz may seem lovely to behold, but his heart is malicious and spiteful. Sanssiz and Talih have hated one another for all time, and would destroy each other if they could.
~ A sage describes the relationship of Sanssiz and Talih