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Dual Faith

The Dual Faith is a pantheon containing Talih the goddess of good luck, Sanssiz the god of misfortune, and Zaman the god of fate and time.

Divine Origins

ong ago, in a realm shrouded in mystery, a diverse group of nomadic tribes wandered the lands, each following their unique customs and beliefs. Among these tribes, there were three renowned elders: Elara, a wise and insightful seer; Kael, a daring adventurer and risk-taker; and Orik, a skilled healer and mender of misfortunes. Elara, Kael, and Orik were not gods, but their wisdom, courage, and compassion earned them immense respect from their respective tribes. These elders often gathered to share stories and knowledge, exchanging tales of their people's triumphs and challenges. It was during one of these gatherings, beneath the glittering night sky, that the idea of the Dual Faith was born.   As the elders listened to each other's experiences, they began to notice patterns in the way fate, fortune, and misfortune seemed to intertwine in the lives of their people. They realized that life was a complex tapestry, woven by the choices people made, the chances they took, and the unexpected twists of fate.   Elara, with her keen insight into the workings of time and destiny, spoke of the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of all beings. She shared her visions of the past and future, emphasizing the importance of learning from history and embracing the flow of time.   Kael, the intrepid adventurer, recounted tales of daring quests and the thrill of taking risks in pursuit of fortune and glory. He spoke of the rewards that came to those brave enough to seize opportunities and the lessons learned from the challenges they faced.   Orik, the kind-hearted healer, touched upon the trials of adversity and the role of compassion in easing the burdens of misfortune. He emphasized the need for resilience and empathy in the face of accidents and hardships, teaching that even in the darkest times, hope could be found.   As the elders' stories mingled, the tribespeople gathered around, listening with rapt attention. Inspired by the wisdom shared that night, they saw the common threads that connected the elders' teachings. They realized that there was strength in embracing both fortune and misfortune, luck and adversity, and that finding balance in life was the key to a harmonious existence.   From that night onwards, the tribes united under the banner of the Dual Faith. They built a sacred grove where they held gatherings to honor the teachings of Elara, Kael, and Orik. In this grove, they would contemplate the lessons of the past, embrace the spirit of adventure, and support one another through difficult times.   The faith spread across the land, carried by those who had been touched by the wisdom of the elders. Temples were constructed to serve as centers of learning and places of communal celebration. The Dual Faith fostered a sense of unity and cooperation among the tribes, as they recognized the shared experiences and interconnectedness of their lives.   As generations passed, the teachings of Elara, Kael, and Orik were passed down through stories and traditions. The Dual Faith became an integral part of the people's identity, guiding them through the ever-changing tides of life. And so, without the direct involvement of gods, the Dual Faith endured, offering solace, wisdom, and hope to all who sought its embrace.

Tenets of Faith

Tenets of the Dual Faith:
  1. Embrace the Flow of Time. Followers of the Dual Faith believe in the cyclical nature of time, understanding that life's events are intertwined with destiny and fate. They respect the wisdom of Zaman, acknowledging that all things happen for a reason, and seek to learn from the past to shape a better future.
  2. Walk the Path of Balance. The Dual Faith teaches its adherents to navigate the precarious balance between luck and misfortune. They revere Talih for bestowing good fortune upon adventurers, but also recognize the lessons found in the trials and tribulations orchestrated by Sanssiz. In seeking equilibrium, they strive to make the most of opportunities and challenges alike.
  3. Embody Resilience. Followers of the Dual Faith understand that life is a journey filled with unforeseen accidents and setbacks. To honor Sanssiz's role, they cultivate resilience in the face of adversity, viewing these moments as tests of character and opportunities for growth. They see misfortune as a potential catalyst for transformation.
  4. Seek Fortune through Action. The Dual Faith emphasizes that luck favors the bold and proactive. To invoke the favor of Talih, followers embrace the adventurous spirit, taking calculated risks to carve their path in the world. They trust that the gods smile upon those who act with courage and determination.
  5. Honor the Weaver of Threads. As Zaman weaves the tapestry of time, the followers of the Dual Faith learn to respect the interconnectedness of all living beings and the world around them. They believe in fostering unity and cooperation among diverse individuals, recognizing the influence of fate in bringing them together.
  Note: The Dual Faith presents a unique blend of contrasting elements in its beliefs, seeking harmony in the midst of the gods' diverse influences. Followers may interpret these tenets differently, leading to various sects within the religion with specific practices and customs.


The Code of Ethics for the Dual Faith:
  • Embrace the Weave of Fate. Respect the interconnectedness of all beings and events in the grand tapestry of life. Acknowledge that each individual's actions and choices influence the destinies of others. Strive to understand the consequences of your actions and take responsibility for them.
  • Seek Balance in All Things. Embrace both fortune and misfortune, recognizing that they are integral parts of existence. Avoid extreme actions or emotions, seeking moderation and equilibrium in all aspects of life. Foster harmony within yourself and among others, promoting understanding and compromise.
  • Cultivate Compassion and Empathy. Show kindness and empathy to all beings, recognizing that each life has its share of struggles. Provide support and comfort to those facing misfortune and offer congratulations to those blessed with good fortune. Endeavor to alleviate suffering and promote the well-being of all living beings.
  • Embrace the Adventurous Spirit. Face challenges with courage, embracing the uncertainties of life's journeys. Take calculated risks to seize opportunities and pursue personal growth. Encourage others to step out of their comfort zones and pursue their dreams.
  • Honor the Wisdom of Time. Learn from the past, acknowledging that history offers valuable lessons for the future. Embrace change and growth, understanding that time flows continuously and brings new opportunities. Use time wisely and make the most of the present, living with intention and purpose.
  • Seek Unity and Harmony. Foster cooperation and collaboration among the followers of the Dual Faith and beyond. Mediate conflicts with compassion, seeking resolutions that promote understanding and reconciliation. Celebrate diversity, recognizing the beauty of the different threads that make up the tapestry of life.
  • Uphold Truth and Integrity. Be honest and transparent in your dealings with others, respecting the trust placed in you. Adhere to your values and principles, even in the face of challenges or temptations. Seek wisdom and knowledge, using them to make informed and ethical decisions.
  • Practice Humility and Gratitude. Remain humble in the face of success, recognizing that luck and fate play significant roles in life. Express gratitude for the blessings you receive and the lessons learned from adversity. Avoid arrogance and pride, valuing the contributions and experiences of others.


In the Dual Faith, worship is a deeply personal and communal experience that centers around embracing the interconnectedness of fate, fortune, and misfortune. Everyday practices, rituals, and traditions are designed to foster a sense of unity among the followers and bring harmony to their lives. Here are some common aspects of worship in this religion:
  • Daily Reflection and Meditation. Followers begin their day with a moment of reflection, contemplating the interconnectedness of their actions and the potential impact on others. Meditation is encouraged to seek inner harmony and to connect with the gods, finding guidance and clarity in the flow of time.
  • Offering Gratitude and Prayers. Throughout the day, followers offer prayers of thanks for blessings received and seek guidance from the gods during moments of uncertainty. Simple offerings of incense, candles, or symbolic items are made to honor Zaman, Talih, and Sanssiz, acknowledging their roles in shaping life's events.
  • Communal Gatherings. Regular gatherings are held in sacred groves or temples, led by the Destinarians. These gatherings include storytelling, sharing experiences, and discussions on the teachings of the Dual Faith. Song, music, and dance play a vital role in communal celebrations, fostering a sense of joy and unity among the congregation.
  • Ceremonies for Significant Events. The Destinarians conduct ceremonies to mark major life events such as births, coming-of-age rites, marriages, and funerals. These ceremonies celebrate the interconnectedness of the individual's life with the larger tapestry of existence and offer support during transitional moments.
  • Divination and Oracle Services. Seeking guidance from the gods, followers may consult the Destinarians for divination oracles in times of important decisions or when facing uncertainty. The Destinarians interpret signs, omens, and dreams, providing insights and wisdom to those seeking direction.
  • Pilgrimages and Quests. Devout followers embark on pilgrimages to sacred sites or undertake quests to test their courage and resilience. These journeys serve as spiritual tests and opportunities for self-discovery, as well as a means to connect with the gods and learn from their experiences.
  • Acts of Compassion and Service. The Dual Faith emphasizes the importance of kindness and compassion towards others. Followers engage in acts of service, supporting those experiencing misfortune or lending a helping hand to the less fortunate.
  • Festivals and Celebrations. The followers of the Dual Faith celebrate festivals that mark significant points in the cosmic calendar, honoring the roles of the gods in shaping the world. These celebrations include feasting, music, and dancing, fostering a sense of joy and unity within the community.


The Destinarians are the esteemed priesthood of the Dual Faith, serving as the custodians of its sacred teachings and guiding the followers on their journey through the tapestry of life. Chosen for their wisdom, compassion, and deep understanding of the interconnected nature of fate, fortune, and misfortune, the Destinarians dedicate their lives to upholding the principles of the Dual Faith and helping others find balance and purpose.   Throughout their lives, the Destinarians dedicate themselves to embodying the tenets of the Dual Faith. They are highly respected within the community, and their guidance is sought in times of celebration, uncertainty, and sorrow. Their unwavering commitment to helping others navigate the complexities of fate and fortune ensures that the Dual Faith continues to thrive as a guiding light for generations to come.

Initiation and Training

To become a Destinarian, aspirants undergo a rigorous and spiritual initiation process. They spend a period of introspection, meditating on the tenets of the faith and seeking clarity on their own destinies. Once accepted, they undergo comprehensive training under experienced mentors, delving into the ancient scriptures, learning the art of divination, and mastering the rituals that connect them to the gods.

Temples and Sacred Groves

The Destinarians oversee and maintain the temples and sacred groves where the followers of the Dual Faith come to seek guidance, solace, and celebration. These places serve as centers of learning, healing, and communal gatherings. Destinarians lead ceremonies, offer blessings, and provide counsel to those seeking answers in the journey of life.

Oracle Services

Among the esteemed duties of the Destinarians is the role of oracles. They have a deep connection to the gods, especially Zaman, and are sought after for their ability to interpret signs, omens, and visions. Seeking guidance, the followers often come to the Destinarians seeking insights into their future or wisdom on how to navigate critical decisions.

Balancing Rites

Misfortunes and accidents are inevitable, and the Destinarians specialize in guiding individuals through difficult times. They perform balancing rites, which involve rituals to help individuals find equilibrium in their lives, embrace resilience, and learn from challenging experiences. These rites may include meditation, storytelling, and communal gatherings to share burdens and offer support.

Mediators and Unifiers

In times of conflicts or disputes, the Destinarians act as mediators, helping parties understand the interconnectedness of their actions and finding solutions that promote harmony and cooperation. Their goal is to foster unity among the followers and encourage the recognition of shared destinies.

Pilgrimages and Quests

Destinarians occasionally embark on pilgrimages and quests to sacred sites or challenging locations in the world. These journeys serve as personal tests of faith and provide valuable insights to bring back to the community. Record Keepers: The Destinarians maintain extensive records of historical events, teachings, and the lives of exemplary individuals. These records serve as a rich source of wisdom for future generations and help preserve the continuity of the Dual Faith.
Edict: take risks and savor the consequences whether good or ill, strive to understand prophecies, focus on the present and look to the future  
Anathema: break the established rules or terms of a wager, use violence to avoid the consequences of a wager  
Follower Alignments: CG, CN, CE, N
Religious, Organised Religion
Fated, Gambler (derogatory)