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Talih (Tally)

(a.k.a. Lady Luck)

Talih is the chaotic good goddess of good luck, fortune, and adventurers. She has become increasingly popular amongst halflings, who's reknowned luck is viewed as a species-wide blessing from Lady Luck.


Talih was frequently portrayed as an attractive woman dressed somewhat extravegantly with numerous bracelets and charm necklaces. She was usually shown holding a coin and being surrounded by symbols of good luck, such as clovers, rabbits, or horseshoes.


Commonly consisting of adventurers and others who relied on a mixture of luck and skill to achieve their goals, her followers believed that one should be bold and trust in one's own luck. She is a member of the Prosperous Voyagers pantheon, where she is viewed as a somewhat carefree deity, following her whims and growing wealthy through sheer chance.   She was also worshipped as part of the pantheon of the Circle of Passion. As opposed to amongst the Prosperous Voyagers, amongst this pantheon she was viewed as a somewhat more stable deity, albeit still representing good fortune. In this context, her propensity for games of chance was highlighted, and she came to be known as a patron to gamblers, who would pray to her for their winnings.   Talih was also the good aligned half of the Dual Faith pantheon alongside Sanssiz. Much like the sides of a coin, Talih as the goddess of good fortune was viewed as the equal and opposite to Sanssiz representing the goddess of misfortune.   The most holy day for followers of Talih was known as Fortune's Favour. It fell on the 20th of Deepfall, and was celebrated through widespread carnival-like games alongside well-spirited pranks. Some settlements which prohibited gambling went so far as to legalise it on Fortune's Favour.


A recent addition to the Halfling Pantheon, Talih is worshipped by halflings as the goddess of fortune and travel. She was said to have been brought back to halflings by the renowned musician and traveller, Bardo, who took to worshipping her in his travels to other cultures. Halflings believe that their famous good fortune comes from the goddess blessing Bardo. Her worship has flourished quite recently, as more and more haldlings take to adventuring. For halflings, she is also strongly associated with rabbits and she is sometimes portrayed as a travelling, barefoot halfling wearing a rabbit’s foot necklace.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Domain: Trickery
Rabbit foot hung from my neck
Always keeps my life in check.
Hold my breath, and cross my toes,
Lady Luck shall clear all woes.

~ Halfling nursery rhyme