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Swynwyr (Swin-wee-er / Swin-whir)

Swynwyr is the newest God in the multiverse and is the only god to have come to power without the hand of İlk Tanrı, but rather by force. Swynwyr was a mortal elf wizard from the far south. She was powerful enough to claim the region now known as the Magocracy of Swynwyr of her own. Through the sacrifice of her lover, she became the first lich, and gained the ultimate power of immortality at the cost of the one thing she loved most. However, this power was not enough for her still, and she sought to achieve Godhood. In order to do so, she discovered that she must replace the god she killed, Olum, god of death and the final judgement of souls. In doing this, a divine vacuum was created which demanded be filled by a new divine force. Swynwyr achieved her goal of becoming a Goddess, however as she took her divine power she was cast into the Shadowfell where she currently dwells.


As a mortal, Swynwyr had a very striking appearance. As a high Elf, she shared her kins' natural beauty, although she was somewhat unusual amongst elves due to her somewhat darker skin tone. Swynwyr was remarkably tall for an elf, standing almost 6 foot tall. Additionally, she had bright purple eyes and she covered her arms and much of her body in golden arcane tattoos. Members of the Subservience of Swynwyr and Our Lady's Eyes believe that these tattoos were used as a spellbook for the great mage.   Once she became a lich, her skin began to decay and she took on a more gaunt appearance. At this point, she began to cover her appearance using fabric coverings and appearance-altering magic.


In life, Swynwyr was a selfish and power hungry individual. She was a gifted wizard and, if accounts are to be believed, was a master of all arcane schools, although she largely favoured necromatic magic. Even from a young age, she had a insatiable craving for power more akin to the ambitions of Human mages rather than common amongst her elvish kin.   She firmly believed in the supremacy of magic users over non-magic users, particularly the aspects of magic which relied on ones own abilities. Although still respected, Swynwyr viewed divine magic and, to an extent, warlocks as a somewhat lesser form of magic due to its relience on an external source.   Swynwyr was well known for her charisma, both in terms of her leadership as well as in her personal life. Across her long life she took many romantic partners which she often tossed aside when she tired of them, although most significant amongst these was undoubtedly her last partner, the human sorcerer Effa. Her charisma and determination meant that she quickly cultivated a significant following of likeminded spellcasters.

Divine Realm

Swynwyr, upon her ascension to godhood, caused a catastrophic problem that was unforseen by the other gods. By becoming a god through the murdering of Olum, Düzen Bekçisi stepped in and made the decision that the only logical solution was that Swynwyr would take his place as god of death. However, as a mortal which forced themselves into godhood, Primus decreed that she would be given the realm of the Shadowfell which would act like an emotionless, undead equivelant to the Feywild. Swynwyr claimed the entirety of the Shadowfell as her realm.


With Mortals

Swynwyr was treated as an outcast in her elven community during her early life due to her extreme ambition and impatience with the slowness of elven society. She was frequently ostracised as a 'freak' by similarly aged elves for her ambition and hot-headedness as well as her notable magical proficiency even amongst elves. It was this experience which set her on her path of cruelty.   Her most well known positive relationships during her time as a mortal were with her last lover, Effa, and with her second in command, Llefarydd. The former was significant, as Effa was sacrificed by Swynwyr in order for her to become the first lich.


The Mortal


The Goddess

Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domain: Arcana, Death, Knowledge
I chose to live forever, not permitting anyone to fell me. When this joy dwindled I chose to rule as the ultimate dread. I vanquished angels and slew Gods to claim my throne as Queen of Undeath. Yes... I am―
~ Swynwyr

Swynwyr Mortal.png

Swynwyr (left) as a mortal, with Effa (right)