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Boreas Halfblood (bor-e-as)

"Things are going well? Wait five minutes, something will go wrong."
-Boreas Halfblood
"Darling... you really need to relax more."
- ???
    What happens when an orcish merchant's guard catches the eye of a tavern wench while passing through a small town?   Well, sometimes, you get Boreas.   The village of Bronze Hill - with a population of less than fifty - is where he grew up afterwards, part of the mis-matched family that were the employees at the Painted Bear tavern. He pulled his own weight as a child and as an adolescent, whether cleaning or helping out the halfling that ruled the kitchen with an iron pan. He wasn't a bad cook either, and if he'd stayed, maybe he would have taken over in the kitchens one day. He dreamt of his father's more adventurous lifestyle, though, and practiced as best he could with what faux-weapons he could get his hands on - fire pokers as swords, barrel lids as shields. Play, when he was younger. More serious, when he grew.   There are always those who don't care for those different from them, however, and children can be especially cruel. He scrapped with the other children fairly often, and although he learned how to hold his own fairly quickly the taunts and the like were almost worse than fists-- and as he grew older, and so did they, he did worry that things would eventually get serious. So did his mother, although she said 'you've outgrown the town' and encouraged him to sign on as a guard on a caravan passing through. So he did.   In the years that followed, he at first went from caravan to caravan before falling in with some scavengers - spending more time digging through ruins for potential riches than working more 'legitimate' jobs. Always looking for that big score. They finally dared to reach for a big score by delving into the deep crater left by the Crimson City's departure. It was there, lowered by a rope, that he found riches...   And Her.   A bargain was struck to allow her to leave in his body in exchange for her saving his life - as he was falling - although if you asked him it was both under duress and under false pretenses. Not that he talks about it, or even reveals it to most people, but the luminous blue crystal embedded in his chest is an eternal reminder of the deal he'd struck. Even if she wasn't frequently making her opinion known...


Helia Ilvith

Ex-Lover (Important)

Towards Boreas Halfblood



Boreas Halfblood


Towards Helia Ilvith


Helia Ilvith (Ex-Lover)

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