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Silevren Zar'ath

  "You have served long enough, we both deserve rest,"
- Sile to Cassi


Formerly a member of the elven court, Silevren was vocal about her distrust of the dragons and voted against joining them. When the rest of the court voted to join the dragons she found herself in a dangerous position, rather than waiting for retribution from her actions she fled in the night. She traveled for a year before she came to the burning lands, there she met Cassiopeia Zar'ath.   The pair started romance in private, afraid of how the public would react to the aunt of the current queen of Dalvath consorting with one of the enemy. But privacy was something they were only afforded for a short time, soon the public became aware and Cassi decided that now was as good as any time to leave the burning lands. With one last farewell with Naliya Aurelius Onasis-Zar'ath and Laurentius Cressium Onasis-Zar'ath the pair retired to the Fae Wild.     When her wife grew old and sick they both vanishing into the woods, while many would assume her dead, her family has never formally declared her as such.


Silevren Zar'ath


Towards Cassiopeia Zar'ath


Cassiopeia Zar'ath


Towards Silevren Zar'ath


Year of Birth
3900 AGE 1158 Years old

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