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Volatia Oleander-Dolore

Queen of Manadh, Princess of Crypha, Divine Vessel (a.k.a. Eyrie Rust)

"Because as much as we all would like to think otherwise..."   Lorenzo shook his head slowly.   "'s very, very easy for someone with power and wealth and influence to put someone in a cage and make them sing on command, and never even care what pain the bird suffers being unable to fly."   Her jaw drops a little, allowing Lorenzo to see the tips of her fangs peeking below her upper lip. "I understand," she whispers and then turns her head to look up at the statue reverently. "I know this..."   She takes a deep breath inward and releases it in a laugh turned sob, then slaps her hands over her mouth. Her slight frame jerks as it happens twice more, before red tears streak in rivulets from the outer corners of her eyes. She manages to swallow any more sobs, burying them deep inside of her. Bowing her head to the effigy in front of her she murmurs, "I lived this."   "You did."   Lorenzo reaches a hand out, briefly touching her shoulder.   "It's why She heard you."
— Lorenzo to Volatia in The Church of the Divine Suffering



The Early Years

Memory comes in flashes and spots.   Volatia can remember bits of her childhood, there was a woman that took care of her. She was kind and did not give orders like the priests and acolytes. Her father was a distant figure, someone who she was not allowed to speak in front of, not allowed to touch. There was no comfort there.   She was no heir, because a God does not need one.   Her purpose was only as an ingredient. A tool in a plan.   But in all these things, she did not understand.   When she was old enough, her father began carving the runes in her body. For her, it was painful and seemingly without end. For her father, even though the screams of his daughter did not affect him in the way it would a real parent, it was tedious. When each formula was finished, he would leave her in the care of the priests and acolytes. With every step, they celebrated her more.   It was from them she learned devotion and duty. Father is God Emperor. Father is God.   Her duty, as explained to her, was as a divine vessel. The details were not important for her to know, she was but the tool, the vessel, and she would do her duty to her father, her god, and die if he should see fit. It is, they explained, a sacrifice that all good disciples must be willing to make.   Ever dutiful, Volatia was willing to do whatever needed to be done to serve her god.   It is there that memory comes in bits and pieces. She remembers the sweet scent of the water used to wash her body and hair. She remembers how cavernous the room with the altar was, the same place her father carved the runes on her body was where he would kill her.   Then... nothing.   Two days later, she remembers opening her eyes and seeing the clouds through her window. She was being prepared for final rites and upon her awakening, there was great confusion. Confusion and then more plans.   It happened three more times. Three times she opened her eyes when she shouldn't have. Three times, she was denied her final rites.   After the third, she couldn't bear the pain. The confusion. The dark spots in her memory.   She couldn't bear to be her father's masterpiece. She couldn't understand why.   Memory comes in flashes and spots.   ...And the next flash she remembers was that of the sun when she opened her eyes in Athanor.

The Morninglight Company

Volatia initially met her companions aboard the Starstrider, a ship that was bound for the cosmos. After crashing in Crypha and a few bad run in that led to the group finding refuge in Winter Bloom. In order to gain access to the city, Volatia had to come clean that she was not only a vampire but also the daughter of the country's God Emperor. It was in Winter Bloom that a romance began with Cassander Dolore that eventually led to the pair falling in love. She was crushed when he left her on the orders of his parents and ended up fleeing the reach of the Silver Flame with her best friend, Maitland Hollow.   In Armada Cove, Volatia shed her royal demeanor and became wild and free. She turned her back on being a champion of Suffering and embraced the life of a bard. Life was good, until a phone call from Cassander ending their relationship broke her heart. In a fit of depression, she left Maitland and Armada Cove. She traveled through Dalvath and back home to Crypha where she joined Pandora in hiding. She stayed there until after Pandora and Guinevere's twins were born and then served as Pandora's maid of honor at their second wedding. Pandora changed her name to Voldora, uniting both halves of herself under one moniker.   While the Morninglight Company was reunited at the wedding, a number of events happened all at once. Cassander collapsed in Volatia's arms and ended up changing time so he was no longer married. Maitland blacked out and witnessed the murder of his goddess. Finally, a devastating attack was landed against Illara's family in Dalvath, killing her parents. She took her revenge by destroying the mechanism that blocked the sun at the wedding, killing Guinevere. The entire company fled to Dalvath on Maitland's ship with Volatia at the helm. In Dalvath, they treated with Volatia's mother, Deirdre. It was a trap that ended with the Morninglight Company defeating Balocrypha and his inner circle but not without a heavy cost. During the fight they lost Taliesin, Cassander, and nearly Illara. Devastated, Volatia that had to be carried, sobbing, from the room so Cornelius could have time alone with the body of his son. An hour later, Cassander walked out of the room and back into Volatia's arms. With Balocrypha's demise, the war in Crypha came to a quick conclusion. In a contract with Cornelius, Volatia was granted 25% of her former country on the condition that she married Cassander, something she readily agreed to.   Even though the war was over, the troubles of the Morninglight Company continued. The Silver Flame fired a catastrophic weapon at the gods, shattering their realm into millions of pieces. In an effort to stop them from firing a third time, the friends traveled back to Armada Cove and raided the warehouse where the Silver Flame kept the last and most dangerous of their weapons, Kjar. Once again, like at the wedding, Cassander's powers went haywire (saving all their lives) and landed the group 4,000 years in the past. They posessed the bodies of their ancestors, mere hours after the signing of the original treaty. On the parchement of the treaty, they discovered the curse that allowed the Silver Flame to establish itself and become powerful, right under the noses of the allied countries' rulers. In an effort to undo this, the Morninglight Company unraveled time in a way that the treaty was only signed for 500 years and was never renewed. As a result, 2 of their members would never be born.   Instead of returning to the present, they were slipped into the realm of the Paperman, an entity that recorded all things. He informed them that Diana Creed, the Divine Suffering, had left them a gift of energy that could be used in combination with the time energy of Troy Dolore, Cassander's brother, to make small changes in the new history. Unfortunately, this meant having to kill Troy. The Morninglight Company won, again, but at the cost of Voldora and Phaedra. They used their time energy to ensure that all of them would be born, including all one thousand of Severine and Phaedra's siblings. For Voldora, Maitland ensured that she would keep her memories of the other timeline. He also changed Volatia's history to rescue her as a young teenager instead of leaving her with her parents. Volatia used most of her energy for others, the one thing she asked for herself was that the ritual that took her immortality and vampiric curse remained in her timeline.   When they returned to this new present, Volatia discovered that she'd been adopted by Voldora and Guinevere and raised alongside Maitland, Arithon, and numerous other siblings. Things that had not changed were that she was still engaged to Cassander, and the contract between her and Cornelius was still in effect.  


The daughter of Balocrypha and Deirdre Oleander, Volatia is a small woman that seems much more delicate than she actually is. Carefree, wild, and courageous are good words to describe her. She is always concerned about the health and happiness of her friends but almost always makes terrible decisions about what to do for that. Around strangers she is solemn, quiet, and thoughtful... not of feelings but of their words.


Damion Curunir


Towards Volatia Oleander-Dolore


Volatia Oleander-Dolore


Towards Damion Curunir


Volatia Oleander-Dolore

Adopted Sister

Towards Maitland Baladan Hollow


Maitland Baladan Hollow

Adopted Brother

Towards Volatia Oleander-Dolore


Volatia Oleander-Dolore

Adopted Sister

Towards Lyla Hollow


Lyla Hollow

Adopted Sister

Towards Volatia Oleander-Dolore


Volatia Oleander-Dolore

Adopted Sister

Towards Ronen Hollow


Ronen Hollow

Adopted Brother

Towards Volatia Oleander-Dolore


Volatia Oleander-Dolore


Towards Cassander Dolore


Cassander Dolore


Towards Volatia Oleander-Dolore


Year of Birth
4012 AGE 1046 Years old
Cassander Dolore (Husband)
Damion Curunir (Half-Brother)
Maitland Baladan Hollow (Adopted Brother)
Lyla Hollow (Adopted Sister)
Ronen Hollow (Adopted Brother)
Current Residence
Tinnu, Manadh

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