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Voldora Silver Hollow

Athanor Royal Archivist, Head Master of the Morninglight Academy (a.k.a. Pandora Silver, Lucretia Hollow)

"My wife- these people are not your cards, old man! Let them go!"
- Voldora to Balocrypha


Voldora has led two entirely separate lives in her one lifetime, and now considers herself leading a third.

As Lucretia Hollow

Lucretia Hollow, a renowned killer with a penchant and a talent for seeking forbidden power as a wizard. Lucretia took pride in her "art" and led uncounted amounts of people to grisly ends, often on a contract. Lucretia married the vampire General Guinevere Irlys Evanora of the Cryphan Forces and with her a son Maitland. She continued to carry out her private life away from him.   Eventually, Lucretia's power-seeking ways had her performing a ritual on herself to absorb the power of an artifact. The disastrous ritual caused silvery scarring all over her face and weakened her considerably, enough for a hitherto unknown party to pounce on the situation. Since the ritual had still succeeded in making her a conduit to such forces, and the Silver Flame were looking for an agent who could execute a plan to use creation artifacts against the gods, they decided to capture and brainwash Lucretia.

As Pandora Silver

Lucretia had her age rewound and mind reset to that of a young orphan child, complete with an appearance-changing Transmutation. Now Pandora Silver, she began the rigorous training to become a Silver Flame agent. She would be trained with weapons incessantly, favoring combat with firearms, but leaking through was a bottomless desire to read about magic and artifacts. After receiving combat espionage and loyalty training, she advanced out of the facility and was placed in a position with Athanor's Royal Archive to join searches for artifacts. Passionate about obtaining tomes and artifacts for the Archive, Pandora quickly began taking charge at her faster pace and she advanced to Lead of Acquisitions and then to Royal Archivist by age of 23.   After being captured in Crypha, her first identity was revealed to her by doctors and Guinevere, and she began having small breaks from reality and visions of Lucretia, whom she feared. At this time, she asked Vrinn Love if he could kill her if she ever fully lost herself to Lucretia. While in Crypha, she would continue to go on dates with Guinevere as herself, Pandora, after finding her irresistably charming. Believing in the Silver Flame's cause for a greater good for the world as they controlled events, Pandora returned to the company but maintained Silver Flame loyalty, until she received orders she knew were wrong: to kill her friend Volatia Oleander, setting off whatever Volatia's runes were meant to trigger upon death.   Unable to follow through at the last stroke, she instead tried to fake the kill on Volatia, but the Silver Flame found out nonetheless and she was remanded back to the training facility's custody. She learned they planned to terminate her and, with help of handing control to Lucretia, was able to escape them to Crypha, where she would bounce back and forth between them until each kept their whole memory.

As Voldora Hollow

Deciding on a new name as the two identities fused, she chose to re-marry Guinevere and take the name Voldora. Voldora and Guinevere had twin children before the wedding, Lyla and Ronen, and invited their friends to attend even with them being on opposing sides of war. Guinevere died in a sunlight-based attack on the reception, but was brought back soon after by Balocrypha Oleander from his mysterious revival pit. After briefly being on opposite sides of the battle over Balocrypha in Dalvath, Voldora and Guinevere were reunited.   Voldora's goals no longer aligned with those of Lucretia or Pandora; the pursuit of death and power and chasing a greater good under the Silver Flame were things of the past that she wanted to stay there. She instead devoted her time to ending the Silver Flame, and afterward to a career in making sure the kind of orphan children the Flame preyed on (like she thought she was) no longer have to turn to such nefarious hands to make their way in life. To that end, she started a non-national academy on her private island, Morninglight Academy, using her broad knowledge and high level of training to make the students the most desired in the world - at their own chosen vocations.   When the Fall came and the dragons attacked, Voldora had the school transfer to a fleet of ships to prevent it from being attacked as well, and she allowed Guinevere to turn her to a vampire in order to live to see it all through. The school operated seaborne for hundreds of years before the dragons calmed enough for them to permanently dock the school to land again, the aged vessels becoming their own features of the academy.   When the lands of the elves came under attack, Voldora as usual set herself to the mission of rescuing the inevitable orphans from the warzone, but was captured under Harlow's control magic and brought to serve in her compound.


Inheriting from both Lucretia and Pandora, Voldora is cold and calculating in most situations, though more prone to anger and vengeance than Pandora was, and less rigid. She's less merciless than Lucretia and willing to show a compassionate side where Lucretia might not have. Voldora is still more likely to stay out of certain decision-making, particularly on national issues, believing she is more suited to facilitating decisions with straightforward information.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female, She/Her


Voldora Silver Hollow


Towards Guinevere Irlys Evanora-Hollow

Guinevere Irlys Evanora-Hollow


Towards Voldora Silver Hollow

Year of Birth
4010 AGE 1048 Years old

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