
Everything presented is subject to change as the adventuring party discovers hidden secrets.

Basic Information


Will-o'-Wisps have a tiny, ethereal morphology. They appear as floating orbs of light, roughly fist-sized, with a radiant, often bluish or greenish inner glow. Lacking distinct features, they are amorphous and translucent, capable of appearing and disappearing at will. This eerie, otherworldly appearance complements their ability to lure adventurers with their captivating light, making them elusive and mysterious beings in your tabletop roleplaying game.

Biological Traits

Will-o'-Wisps typically exhibit consistent biological traits, but variations can occasionally be found. These variations might include different colors of inner light, varying sizes, elemental affinities, dietary preferences, and additional magical abilities.

Genetics and Reproduction

The exact origin of Will-o'-Wisps is shrouded in mystery and intermingled with rightfully placed superstition. These are the more common theories:   Trapped Souls: Some lore suggests that Will-o'-Wisps are the remnants of lost or tormented souls, bound to the material plane by unfinished business or powerful emotions.   Magical Experiments: Other lore suggests they are the result of arcane experiments gone awry. A wizard's attempt to harness or manipulate ethereal energy could inadvertently create these enigmatic beings.   Naturally Occurring Phenomenon: In a more mystical and naturalistic approach, Will-o'-Wisps could be seen as rare and ancient manifestations of elemental or magical energy in certain remote or mystical locations.

Ecology and Habitats

Will-o'-Wisps prefer misty and eerie environments like swamps and marshes as their preferred habitats. These locations offer natural mist for them to create enticing lights, an eerie atmosphere that complements their mysterious nature, often have tragic histories or curses that draw them in, and provide isolation to trap unsuspecting prey effectively.   Will-o'-Wisps interact with their habitats by manipulating the eerie atmosphere, creating alluring lights to lure prey, and feeding on the emotions of creatures they trap. They may also serve as guardians or reminders of tragic histories associated with these locations, subtly altering the terrain over time to make it even more treacherous.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Will-o'-Wisps do not have traditional dietary needs because they are primarily composed of magical energy. Instead, they feed on the life force and emotions of other creatures, particularly fear and confusion. This drains the emotions of their prey, causing physical weakness, memory loss, exhaustion, and potentially inflicting psychological trauma. Their feeding habits involve luring unsuspecting travelers with their enticing lights and then siphoning off the vital energy and emotions of those they trap. This predatory behavior sustains them, and they are often drawn to places where fear and negative emotions are prevalent, such as in dark and foreboding environments or near sites of tragedy and curses.


Will-o'-Wisps interact with each other through a form of telepathic communication, allowing them to share information and coordinate their actions. They often collaborate when luring or trapping prey, using their combined abilities to create more elaborate and effective deceptions. While they are generally solitary creatures, they may temporarily come together in groups when circumstances warrant, such as defending a particularly rich feeding ground or confronting a significant threat. Their telepathic connection and shared predatory nature make their interactions eerie and coordinated.   Will-o'-Wisps interact with their prey by employing cunning and manipulation. They use their alluring lights to draw in unsuspecting travelers, often leading them off the safe path and into dangerous or treacherous terrain. Once their prey is lured close, Will-o'-Wisps attack, draining the life force and emotions of their victims. These encounters are typically brief and predatory, with the Will-o'-Wisps seeking to weaken and disorient their prey before making a swift escape or going in for a final, incapacitating attack. Their interactions with prey are marked by deception, fear, and the pursuit of sustenance.   Will-o'-Wisps interact with their prey by employing cunning and manipulation. They use their alluring lights to draw in unsuspecting travelers, often leading them off the safe path and into dangerous or treacherous terrain. Once their prey is lured close, Will-o'-Wisps attack, draining the life force and emotions of their victims. These encounters are typically brief and predatory, with the Will-o'-Wisps seeking to weaken and disorient their prey before making a swift escape or going in for a final, incapacitating attack. Their interactions with prey are marked by deception, fear, and the pursuit of sustenance.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Will-o'-Wisps are known to inhabit environments that perfectly complement their eerie and deceptive nature. Swamps and marshes, with their natural mist and darkness, are prime locations for Will-o'-Wisps to thrive, as the mist provides ideal cover for their deceptive lights, luring unwary travelers off the safe path. In haunted ruins, abandoned structures, or places with a history of tragedy or dark magic, adventurers might encounter these creatures, adding an element of danger and trepidation to their explorations. Enchanted forests, with their mystical ambiance, can also be home to Will-o'-Wisps, making these ethereal landscapes even more mysterious and perilous. In cursed grounds, marked by powerful magic or malevolent entities, Will-o'-Wisps might haunt the area, serving as ominous signs and potential threats. Additionally, on rare occasions, they may appear near magical crossroads, given their connection to the ethereal.

Average Intelligence

Will-o'-Wisps possess a level of intellect and cunning that allows them to effectively lure and manipulate their prey. While they are not highly intelligent in the traditional sense, they exhibit malevolent and predatory cunning. They can coordinate their actions with other Will-o'-Wisps, communicate telepathically, and employ deception to lead adventurers into dangerous situations. Their tactics involve creating illusions and using their glowing lights to evoke fear and confusion, indicating a degree of strategic thinking. However, their intelligence is more focused on their predatory nature and survival rather than deep intellectual pursuits.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Infravision and Darkvision: Will-o'-Wisps can see heat signatures, allowing them to see even in complete darkness, making them adept at detecting adventurers even in challenging environments.   Empathy and Magical Awareness: Will-o'-Wisps are sensitive to emotions and can gauge the fear of nearby creatures. They can also sense magical auras and identify spellcasters.   Psychic Connection and Evasion: They possess limited telepathy, allowing them to communicate with each other and share information. Additionally, they have an innate ability to evade attacks and traps, making them elusive adversaries.
Scientific Name
Kingdom: Etheria
Phylum: Phasmamagica
Class: Luminae
Order: Fulgurales
Family: Spectralidae
Genus: Ignisphasma
Species: Ignisphasma luminosus
This creature follows harvesting rules. Creature specific harvesting can be found here.

Will-o'-Wisp CR: 2

Tiny undead, chaotic evil
Armor Class: 19
Hit Points: 22 9d4
Speed: , can hover


1 -5


28 +9


10 +0


13 +1


14 +2


11 +0

Damage Resistances: Acid, Cold, Fire, Necrotic, Thunder; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities: Lightning, Poison
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 12
Languages: The languages it knew in life
Challenge Rating: 2 ( 450 XP)

Consume Life. As a bonus action, the will-o'-wisp can target one creature it can see within 5 feet of it that has 0 hit points and is still alive. The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw against this magic or die. If the target dies, the will-o'-wisp regains 10 ( 3d6 ) hit points.   Ephemeral. The will-o'-wisp can't wear or carry anything.   Incorporeal Movement. The will-o'-wisp can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ( 1d10 ) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.   Variable Illumination. The will-o'-wisp sheds bright light in a 5- to 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional number of feet equal to the chosen radius. The will-o'-wisp can alter the radius as a bonus action.


Shock. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 ( 2d8 ) lightning damage.   Invisibility. The will-o'-wisp and its light magically become invisible until it attacks or uses its Consume Life, or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell).

Will-o'-Wisps are malevolent, wispy balls of light that haunt lonely places and battlefields, bound by dark fate or dark magic to feed on fear and despair.   Hope and Doom. Will-o’-wisps look like bobbing lantern lights in the distance, although they can choose to alter their colors, or wink out completely. When they activate their lights, will-o’-wisps offer hope, hinting of safety to creatures that follow them.   Will-o’-wisps lure unwary creatures into quicksand pits, monster lairs, and other dangerous places so that they can feed on the suffering of their prey and revel in their death screams. An evil being that falls prey to a will-o’-wisp might become a wisp itself, its woeful spirit coalescing above its lifeless corpse like a flickering flame.   Consumed by Despair. Will-o’-wisps are the souls of evil beings that perished in anguish or misery as they wandered forsaken lands permeated with powerful magic. They thrive in swampy bogs and bone-strewn battlefields where the oppressive weight of sorrow stoops even heavier than the low-hanging mist and fog. Trapped in these desolate places of lost hope and memory, will-o’-wisps lure other creatures toward dismal fates and feed on their misery.   Agents of Evil. Will-o’-wisps rarely speak, but when they do, their voices sound like faint or distant whispers. In the miserable domains they haunt, will-o’-wisps sometimes form symbiotic relationships with their wicked neighbors. Hags, oni, black dragons, and evil cultists work with will-o’-wisps to draw creatures into ambush. As their evil allies surround and slaughter creatures, the wisps hover above them, drinking the agony of a last breath and savoring the sensation as the light of life goes out in a creature’s eyes.   Undead Nature. A will-o’-wisp doesn’t require air, drink, or sleep.

Suggested Environments

Forest, Swamp, Urban


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