Li'sleith Geographic Location in E'ath | World Anvil
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Li'sleith is perhaps the only world tree best understood from the arcane perspective. This is because the world tree itself is deeply tied to magic as evident by the fact that it constantly emits magic allowing wizards and sorcerers around it to flourish. Over the ages, this understanding has improved to such a degree that many of the more eccentric mages have claimed to have a full understanding of the tree and begun constructing different devices directly into the tree. This has been taken to an extreme and many of the academies studying the tree have buildings built directly into it. Despite all of this the tree does not appear to take any action against the mages which has caused the druids to take action and scorn all mages regardless of their affiliation with the tree. While this has lowered public opinion of mages in general, due to their political power the druids are not able to directly oppose them and the mages still have academies all over the world, including The Holy City.   The world tree's power is directly tied to magic and according to many ancient records mortals did not possess magic or were able to use it outside of channelling the power of gods and outsiders. After the tree grew, however, many mortals suddenly began being able to use magic on their own creating a long-lasting history of mages worshipping or praying to Li'sleith. Many academics even make it a point of pride to have used magic under the crown of the world tree.   Edicts Study magic, Use magic
Anathema Limit research or use of magic, Not pursuing latent magical abilities
Areas of Concern Ambition, knowledge, magic
Follower Alignments any
  Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability Dexterity or Intelligence
Divine Font harm or heal
Divine Skill Arcane
Favored Weapon Staff
Domains Glyph, Knowledge, Magic, Nature

Articles under Li'sleith


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