
Once only spoken of in legend, the Androids were originally crafted as just that tools of war in the 6th dance. Through Gnomish design, Elvish magics, and Dwarven craftsmanship, the Androids were the weapon used to end the 6th dance and end the Dragons 5,000 year rule over E'ven-dra. Their are three known generations of Androids.
  • Gen 1- The first Generation of Androids were the souls of warriors grafted to constructed bodies, the theory being that the bodies would never tire and live indefinitely. Should they fell in battle a recovery team could recover their core and place it in a new body. Damaged but not to the point the body became inoperable, simple repair the body. But these Androids had a problem, the warrior grafted to them would suffer what was called soul degradation, in which the warrior would slowly go insane and eventually devolve into a mindless killing machine or worse an insane tactical mastermind incapable of feeling.
  • Gen 2- The second generation were considered the biggest success, using elven magics Elven Mages managed to create a magical process of creating an "artificial" soul. Using a device called an Soul Forge they managed create unique individual Android with real self present personalities. The only true issue with them was time, crafting a new Soul took time, and while a process was discovered allowing individual Androids to "mate" and create a new soul by combining elements of two Android's cores, and the prospect of forcing them to do so was seen as highly unethical.
  • Gen 3- The third generation were what could only be called mass production modules. Made using simplified soul cores and made fast and efficiently they could do what they were built to do and were give just enough personality to give them a tactical edge. The issue was that were blunt to a point of announce in cases, practically unable to think for themselves. They were seen as little more than Highly advanced golems with more freedom and use then you normal golem.

After the 6th dance as part of the Dragon's surrender, all Androids were sealed into massive vaults and hidden in locations that only the Dragon Council would know. But after the The Cataclysm and the Day of Rainbow Firethe magics sealing them were destroyed and the Androids were awakened.
  When Playing a Android keep in mind what Generation you are playing.
  • As a Gen 1 you are a person from the 5th age and fought in the 6th dance. you have lived through possibly dozens if not hundreds of battles and now have the fact that everything you knew is gone. Not to mention that Soul Degradation is a constant sword Damocles hanging over you.
  • As a Gen 2 you are the most likely to be normal but have to deal with the fact that you are basically an infant race free to make your own way in the world and find your place in it.
  • As a Gen 3 you have no orders and are basically a robot with an advanced Ai with no idea how to use the freedom you know have.
As a rule of thumb most Androids PCs should go with Gen 2 unless they feel they can handle what the Gen 1 and 3 bring to the table.
Otherwise there three types of Androids created while they can be considered Kin they are often referred to as models. These models are Combat, Support, Personal.

Basic Information


Androids are a strange group for many reasons but the biggest is this to remember, 5th age Gnomes  were weird. Designed to be anatomically correct, androids were created with “male” and “female” designations. Though these are superficial as changes to their physical forms can easily be made if they so desired, and have no real effect of reproduction. Many Androids see their physical “body” as little more than a shell used to interact with the world around them. Their Arcane Core or Spark being the only thing that truly makes them them.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is in fact he spark that truly makes the Android, the Spark is Arcane Cortex that brings the Android to life and houses the mind, memory, and for lack of any better term soul, at least for gen 2 and 3s. In the cases of Gen 1s this was what the individual’s soul was grafted to for the creation of it. As stated before Androids are built anatomically correct, but can “customize” themselves in a myriad of ways to meet their personal wants and/or needs. Because of this Androids can have relations like any other race though reproduction is a different matter. 
Androids do not reproduce in the traditional way, an elf and android aren’t about to have a cyborg half elf unfortunately. But using a Soul Forge would allow the creation of a spark which in turn would produce a new Android to which an elven and avoid couple to have sort of child. Every Spark is designed with the schematic to create a new spark but each Android can only ever access half these schematics at a given time. As such it takes two consenting androids to impute their data into a Soul Forge. Which in turn combines this data to activate and begin creating a new Spark. At the same time the Forges were still designed to intake a full entry. As such the Androids spark fills in the blank Spark schematics with personal “data”. The Forge in turn uses this personal data and combines it with one another. This new combined data becomes the foundation for the new sparks personality.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes ruffly 6-8 weeks for the Spark to be created and another 5-6 year to finish fabricating the Androids initial body. It is believed that this is to avoid the android begging miss used or miss using its initial body. While the initial body is being constructed the spark is housed in what is called a Cradle. The Cradle is not an actual cradle but is the term used for a device meant to house an androids spark. While in the Cradle the android can communicate and Interact with the world to a limited extent. Some designed with rudimentary legs or wheals for mobility and arms for interacting. It is truly fascinating to think that the creators of the Androids actually thought “do we really want to put a soul with zero real world experience in a war machine”? It dose make one wounded if perhaps the creators did intend for the androids to be counted among the people of this world even after the Dance.  
Regardless an Android remains in the Cradle for the 5-6 years it takes for their initial body to complete. While a Soul Forge can create an unlimited number of new sparks each one has a finite number of construction bay to build initial bodies, largest known one capable of creating 6 at a time. For this reason Android communities, who build up around the Forges limit the number new Androids to this number. Durring the 5-6 years it takes for the body to be competed the Cradled Androids is expected to visit the Forge once a year to imput any new data that may affect he initial bodies outcome. During this time as well the Android learns of the world around them and experiences what can only be called a childhood. When the Forge complete the initial body of an Android a ceremony is held to signify the true birth of the new Android. Again because the child has had a direct hand in its creation for lack of a better term it comes out just as they want it. At this point an Android is considered full matured. 
Though they often stick around the Home and the Forge for the next year or two while getting used to the full articulation of their body. In other worlds reaching full adulthood at around 7-8, at which point they travel into the world to fulfill what they feel is their purpose.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name

Articles under Androids


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