E'ven-dra Main World Geographic Location in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

E'ven-dra Main World

E’ven-dra has undergone many changes throughout its time but it is time for a more realistic look for the world. While this doesn’t affect the cultures of the world it does have it does have an impact on the world’s history and politics. For the most part think of the world at this moment like our own right before WW1. 50 years have passed since the Cataclysm and most are waiting for the other shoe to drop, without the spirits or the fear of the king of Avalon what is stopping The Inquisition for outright attacking weaker nations and gaining new foot holds in the world.
Think also on this at the moment Avalon is trying to desperately hold onto what power it has as a middle ground. While Vel exists in blissful ignorance, Mercia and Wessex more worried about their own internal politics and making non-aggression treaties with anyone and everyone should war ignite. While Umbria hides in its mountains and Ulster closes rank preparing to keep its charges safe yet knowing it must find ways to head calls from ancient blood ties it has with both Albion and now Con.
While Vail is a mess, with the Kingdom of Gain trying to maintain peace while fighting hell spawn pouring from an open wound that is their former capitol. Vailforge’s guild sit pretty behind gilded walls and strong defenses waiting for the inevitable while making money. Titan desperately trying to reignite the faith of a broken people, who for the most party want nothing to do with the city. While Albion fights its own civil war turned cold war against the Inquisition, bolstered by alliances with Ulster, Con, Balies, and Vailforge. The Inquisition need only make one wrong move to set off a series of chain reactions that would plunge the world into war and drag its own allies Feyose and Vei with them.
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