Hien Windstrider

Hien was the bastard son of elven nobility and human peasantry in the lands of Cohn. Raised in humble settings by his mother Cerfy, she unfortunately died from sickness one winter when he was 5. From their he lived alone as a street urchin along side several other children, a young cleric visiting them every so often to teach and check on them until one autumn day when Hien was 10 his father suddenly appeared to collect him. While at first unwilling his friends convinced him to go thinking this was a chance for one of them to be more than they were. As it happened Hien's father was the next lord of small blacksmithing clan, the Kah clan. Not long after arriving he learned that he was not the only child his father had, let alone with his wife. He had two other brother, Chronos a 2nd generation dragonborn, and a very young brother that was a full elf and the son of his fathers wife. While Chronos and Hien got along well enough, their relationship with his father and the rest of the clan was pointless. It was obvious that they had no intention of giving either a chance to prove themselves. Despite this both committed to their training and learning, but the night before Chronos turned 15, coming of age for a dragonborn, he vanished. When this happened Hien's father and the families higher ups got scarred, going so far to try and find him that they boarder line tortured Hien believing he knew something and wasn't telling them. It was only at the behest of his Grandmother that this ended, saying that these actions were exactly what would cause what they feared. Hien at this point knew something was up and began making plans. Then about a week before he turned 18 Hien received two notes one was addressed anonymously and the other from Chronos labeled to be read first. Chronos' letter told that he too had gotten one of these letters around the same time and that if not for it he knew a fearful fate awaited him. this letter went on to explain how he escaped and were he was going and how Hien would be able to find him after this. The anonymous then explained the fate awaiting Hien in one week. His father and the Clan's higher ups had only taken him and Chronos in because of a foreboding prophecy claiming that a child of mixed blood would bring a storm that would forever change the land unless cared for till they came of age. Out of fear the family sought out children like Hien and Chronos, with plans to have them killed when they came of age. For Chronos that would have been when he turned 15 and for Hien at 18 in one weeks time. Using Chronos' plan Hien escaped as well easily. After this Hein went in search of his brother and found him as part of Druid grove. After this the two traveled together to Hein old home town, only to find it in ruins. Fearing for his friends he first went looking for the Cleric. Luckily he did find him, but what was odd was the location. He was in the capitol, as it happened the Cleric was a former court cleric but had been removed years before Hien was born. When Hien and Chronos hound him he was reestablished in the capitol and doing well for himself, as it happened the day they were there was the same day as the reveal of the new Emperor. who as it turns out was one of the Urchins Hien had grown up with on the streets of that small back water. Interrogating the cleric Hien learned that his friend Sato was the son of the previous Emperor and one of his concubines. But upon learning that she was her enemies conspired to have her removed from the palace. But when the emperor died with no apparent heirs everyone began to fear for the future. Except for the Shuko Hejen and the Cleric. This was why the Cleric had come to check on them and teach them, so that he could return with Sato, now Kensia as the next emperor. Hoping to reconnect with Sato, Hien did what many would call the craziest course of action, he broke into the Royal Palace, and succeeded. By passing traps and security Hien managed to reach the Sato's room, and to put it bluntly their initial reunion was ruff to say the least. Nearly being killed by Sato, Hien managed to remind Sato who he was. Happy to one another now, the two shared stories of what had happened to one another, and both were disturbed by the fact that no one seemed to know were the other children had gone. This became Hien's first secret mission for the Emperor, find their friend. this would become a pattern for Hien's feature as a life long friend of the emperor and acting as his left hand in the shadows. Either way Hien did find the others but, he could never tell Sato the truth. To most Hien found them already dead having been sent to Vei and sold into slavery. In truth this was accurate for the other boys, the girls though, well death was a release. Only one was fine a Wood Elf named Yuria who had been saved by an Ishigi nobleman and adopted into the family and clan. To her, Hien and Sato's surprise she arrived at the palace as one of Sato's potential concubines. Later when Hien arrived to begin preparations for his first attempt at returning Sato's power to him, Yuria almost killed him as well thinking he was an intruder. Luckily Sato was there to stop her, not having told her that Hien would be coming let alone that Hien had already learned of her were about and come into contact with Sato. When Hien's first attempt to free Sato failed he fled into exile and started gathering more allies. One of these was Dren Kahgen, the feature head of the Kahgen clan and an active leader of a Gargoyle unit in Albion's rebel army. It was during this that Hien found himself as a runner and meeting Princess Anastasia vi McDougal Romanoff, granted the first time they met they nearly killed one another thinking the other was a spy for the Inquisition. Only to then help one another when the real Inquisition spies showed up. after that the two hit it off and became close friends respecting one another's talent. This respect eventual became affection and affection, love. When the Inquisition's Folly happened and Anna told him she need help with finishing her families mission he he did the one thing no Con citizen would normal do, he defied the emperor. Despite the threat of the Primordials Hien went along with Dren and several others to kill an ancient red dragon. Thank the gods they succeeded, it was in the heat of their victory that Hien through what little caution he had left to the wind and purposed to the princess much the gearing of the other member of their party. One particularly shouting "FINALLY" After this Hien continued as the Shuko until he was about 50 when he stepped down and took a position as the Joho or Minister of Foreign Affairs, along side Anna and their children.


Hien Windstrider

Husband (Vital)

Towards Anastasia vi McDougal Romanoff Windstrider



Anastasia vi McDougal Romanoff Windstrider

Wife (Vital)

Towards Hien Windstrider



Year of Birth
1326 PC 78 Years old


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