Northern Avalon Organization in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

Northern Avalon

Northern Avalon is the northern most territory of the continent of Avalon.


Northern Avalon is made up of eight states named after the eight kingdoms that once dominated the the northern lands.


While each state has its own culture it is best to know one thing about Northern Avalon in particular. While most of the world is just reaching a level of advancement equal to that of our own 1910s-1920s. Northern Avalon is almost 50-60 years ahead of the curve, puting somewere in the 70s-80s. If you are woundering, "why and how" well let me explain. 
Isolated as they were during the 13th dance Avalon was already far ahead of the rest of the world politicaly, socialy, and to some extent thecnologicaly. Perhapes not as advanced as say Magi or as distructivly as Evaro but advanced enough to have moved on from the idea of kingdoms and monarchies as a pure ruling cast. While "noble" and aristocrates do exist in Avalon they really have no control over the people beyond what people allow themselves to be controled. This has intern allowed a fruish of cultural and technological advancments, but still with that classic fantasy twist. 
After all monsters still stalk the back woods, ancient and malevilent forces plot in hidden places, and lost dungens and secrets of the past are still to be discvered. Not all of Northern Avalon or infact the rest of Avalon is known or safe. Northern Avalon is a perfect enviroment for those looking for what happnes when you mix one part fantasy with one part modern drama and technology.
Geopolitical, Country
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Ruling Organization
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