The Lords of Avalon Organization in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

The Lords of Avalon

The Lords of Avalon refer to the ruling body of Northern Avalon.


The Lords of Avalon comes from when the group was ment to just represent Avalon's old nobles. After the 13th dance the Albion Nobles begain discution of the abolishment of their indivijual kingdoms that were seen in the day of the dance. However following the The Cataclysm and the Day of Rainbow Fire it became unclear what was to hapen to the The King of Kings now that the spirits were gone. As such it was decided that the northern loards would coaless as a contitutional monarchy. 
  Uelros Savengaurd and his family would retain the title of king of kings and ultimatly the remain lords of at least Northern Avalon. But they have seeded much of their ultimate power to elected people from among the the states that make up Northern Avalon. Each state elects a 3 senetors, one acting as lead or sinior senetor and the other two as assosiace or junior senetors for the state. This makes for a total of 24 senetors who in turn debate and pass legilation. Apart from the senators there are also the 7 major groups or orders that operate in congress with the Lords to make Northern Avalon work. These make up the actual Lords of Avalon as the leaders of these groups are the decendants of or are the Lords of the 7 Northern kingdoms that existed during the 13th dance. Just like the States the 7 Orders each chooses 3 members often the chosen leader of the Order and 2 other. All in all the Lords of Avalon is made up of 42 members, with the Savengaurd family acting as tie breacker for when its needed. 
Below each State is split into Counties each with an elected County Executive that presents things to the Senetors. Then in turn each major setilment has a Mayor that speaks with the County Executive. Each city is diffrent but most then have an elected councile that work with the Mayor.
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Leader Title


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