
E'ven-dra orcs are an unusual lot, a mostly tribble race that came out of the jungles of Sue they have a long a complicated relationship with the world. At first glance they were thought to mindless brutes bent on conquest and savagery, but this couldn't have been further from the truth. Most orcs adventure's will face have succumb to literal curse placed on them by the Sealed One Kezef The Chaos Hound. Once the hunting hound of the Orc God The Storm General Kord, or Gruumsh as he is called in the orcish tongue, Kezef was a beast of chaos personified that eventual bit its master. Before it was sealed it cursed the children of Kord to heed the rage of battle and chaos.
Otherwise most Orcs are hardy warriors that believe in strike codes of family and comradery. While most orcs do prefer to live in tribal societies with their own laws and rules this is often because they hold their ancestral beliefs with high regard. The best I can do to give a good idea about orcish society is to compare it to a real world equivalent and the best I can do there is compare them to a mixture of traditional Native American/First Nation and Polynesian peoples. With most day to day things in their society based around the spiritual leader of the tribe, village, camp, what have you, but when the call of war is heard someone is brought forth as a war chief till the battle ends. Otherwise an orc settlement may be ruled by a council consisting of a High Shaman and the settlements Champion. If a great number of orc elders still live among the settlement even the elders may be called to be on this council to offer insight of the past.
At the end of the day there are 3 kinds of orcs, game play wise they have no differences beyond RP.
  • Vail and Vel Orcs- who's society and culture can best be compared to Vikings
  • Avalon Orcs- are best compared to Native Americans
  • Cuveisa (Sue) Orcs- a traditional Polynesian (mostly Maori) society

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Most orcs in this world can live to be about 75-80, But can live up to century if they live a peaceful life away from dangers. But as explained above a majority orcs are warriors, prone to adventure, or tend to be attracted to dangerous and labor intensive work. Most orc have a sad tendency to only live to be about 40-45, mostly do to either overworking themselves or quite literally their own genetics catching up with them (see * for details). Again this is not all orcs plenty still live well past this threshold and live to the ripe age of 75 and beyond. *Orcs mature at a faster rate than most races reaching full maturity around 13 or 14. With most orc societies recognizing them as adults around that same age. After this point an orcs physicality plateau and becomes similar to that of humans.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

All Orcs know universal common and the common of were they are from. Most Orcs will also learn orcish for good measure, but some have learned goblin or elvish for good measure. Some that magic users have been known to learn Sylvan to learn from the oldest of the fey books.


In this world the origin of Orcs can be found linked to the origin of the Elves, fey and goblinoids. Kord influenced the mortals that would become the Goblinoids as a bit of composition involving The Archheart Corellon. Kord and Corellon have always had a good relationship and their worshipers get along about as well as one might expect, often forming as friendly rivals and steadfast allies. But what dose this have to do with the origins of the orcs, Orcs came into existence when Corellon and Kord were tricked into a stupid and dangerous competition. Using honeyed words Lolth, Corellon's most trusted consort, convinced the two to try and knock an apple from one another's head using their respective weapons. Meanwhile Kords right hand, Maglubiyet, goaded and released Kezef. The resulting chaos caused the two to nearly kill one another Corellon's arrow piercing Kord's eye. the blood that fell from his wound washed over the Gobiloids and forever changed them, these were the first Orc's born from their gods blood.
The Orcs saw this change as a blessing and believed that the change brought them closer to their god and sought to truly emulate the warrior nature Kord taught. After these early Orcs were established Kord went about recapturing Kazef and punishing Maglubiyet. While Maglubiyet vengeance was felt by the Goblinois it was Kazef who came for the Orcs. He took pleasure in hunting and eating the orcs and sending them running, the chaotic energy he exuded filled and young orcs with dread and anger. as resources dwindled and fear out weighed reason the Orcs aloud more animalistic anger to take them. This anger and hatred became uncontrollable and made the orcs evil, lashing out at one another and other races. Eventually this caused orcs to have the reputation of being monstruous villains but not of their own volition. When the Devourer came Kord was finally able to seal Kazef but noticed the damage done and feared bringing the Orcs to E'ven-dra. But with Corellon's aid, who never abandoned the few orcs that did not turn, they developed a ritual to purge the orcs of the the curse.
After all of this and making their way to E'ven-dra they came to call the jungles of Sue their homeland. In these jungles and most other places orcs have come to call home young orcs undergo a proses around the age of 12 that includes several rituals that are meant to purge them of the Cures of Kezef's. Because of this most evil Orcs are those that have chosen not to undergo this proses, never under went it to begin with or willingly turned to the Chaos of Kezef. While others are simply those fallen on hard times and like any other race turned to banditry to try a survive. However this willingness to turn to dark deeds can bring the eye of the hound upon them and make them and those around them venerable to its influence.
75-80 years


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