The Abyss, The Realm Death

The Abyss is one of the three great dark planes. There are few entrances to the Abyss from the Material Realm and those that do are not places to linger often filled the madness of the layer they lead to.
While traveling through The Abyss one must be careful as extended exposure comes with the risk of corruption. When a non-Evil character finishes a long rest while in the Abyss must make a DC 10 Charisma Save. On a success the creature suffers a point of Corruption, see corruption rules for details. On a fail save the creature is instead affected by the Abyss’ unique corruption. A creature affected by Abyssal corruption becomes afflicted with one of the corruptions from the Table below. After being afflicted they become immune to the corrupting nature of the Abyss and can end their corruption by succeeding on a DC 15 Charisma Save after each long rest. The DC increases by one for each point of corruption the creature had before gaining the Abyssal corruption, same as for the standard save made after each long rest. Spells like Greater Restoration, Dispel Good and Evil, Remove Curse and other spells and abilities with similar effect can also end the effects of one point of corruption or the Abyssal corruption once per casting. However, a character under the effects of Abyssal corruption should not linger as the after 1d4+2 days a character affected by Abyssal corruption becomes Chaotic Evil after failing their save on the final day. Only casting Dispel Good and Evil on a plane other than the Abyss can restore the alignment of a character. 
1d8 Corruption
1 Lust. You gain the following character flaw: “Love and Affection should be shown to me and me alone”
2 Gluttony. You gain the following character flaw: “A never ending hunger racks my body calling for more then the world can offer”
3 Greed. You gain the following character flaw: “Why shouldn’t I take what a want, why should others and conventional norms stop me from getting what I want”
4 Sloth. You gain the following character flaw: “the world is going no were so why rush, if my allies believe themselves in danger why should I rush to aid them”
5 Wrath. You gain the following character flaw: “I enjoy the thrill of the kill for its own sake, why should that be wrong”
6 Envy. You gain the following character flaw: “My companions are so great and only wish to slow me down. Fine then I’ll ensure they never succeed”
7 Pride. You gain the following character flaw: “Why should I fight for a doomed world only to see it fall again if I ruled it, I would bring it to greatness. My ‘friends’ are not but a means to that end”
8 Possession. The character is possessed by a demonic entity until freed by dispel evil and good or similar magic. Whenever the possessed character rolls a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, the demon takes control of the character and determines the character’s behavior. At the end of each of the possessed character’s turns, he or she can make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. On a success, the character regains control until he or she rolls another 1.
Dimensional plane
Location under


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