The Outer Realms

The Outer Realms consist of multiple parts, but in simplest term the Outer plains are the place the gods and goddesses of E'ven-dra exist and where most people only end up after dyeing. To make describing this easy we will fallow the path a soul takes after its body dies on the Material. First is The Void, a boarder realm or buffer zone between life and death. When the people of E'ven-dra sleep their body technically stops to a point that their soul would wonder. However instead it enters the Dream Lands the true collective subconscious of the world were those that sleep continue to live until they awaken. But for those how's physical body die, the soul looses its connection to the Material and and leaves the Dream Lands and enters Ashmear. Ashmear is a limbo realm still hanging between life and death, this is were the Deities of Death make their judgments, were a souls actions will dictate it next destination along the River Stix in the Astral Sea. The Astral Sea is Space, literal space, granted do to the nature of most things most of this is all metaphysical. The River Stix is basically a current of astral energy that flows in two directions starting at the shores of Ashmear. A soul deemed worthy of having lived a "good" life will find them selves on the current of the river Stix headed for the Seven Heavens and rewarded. A soul deemed to have lived an "evil" life or one that has sold its soul in a diabolical pact, will find them selves headed in the opposite direction to the Nine Hells for their punishment and/or servitude.   However the River Stix dose reconjoin after this, flowing into the other Divine Domains. For even the most blasphemous of fallen paladins may find redemption in the hells and returned to their good service. But before that it should be mentioned if not obvious from the wording, that the Nine Hells Seven Heavens, and even the Dream Lands and Ashmear are realms of divine providence. Ashmear and the Dream Lands being realms of the Grave, and the Heavens and the Hells representing Order. Souls further deemed worth, redeemed from the hells or those souls that a deity true believes hell will not sufficiently punish (and isn't claimed through a Pact), may find itself continuing along the River Stix into one of the other nine Divine Domains and into the private realm of a Deity. This is the fate of all divine Champions and Chosen and most Paladins and Clerics of a particular Deity. Again if it weren't obvious each of the Divine Domains is a clerical domain, the fallowing chart gives an easy over view, but remember that this is subject to change as more domains may be added; 
The Divine Domain The Clerical Domain
The Abyss Death
Ashmear Grave
Dream Lands Twilight
The Nine Hells Order
The Seven Heavens Peace
Tormier Trickery
Libra Knowledge
Mechenus Forge
Acadia Arcane
Halla Light 
Noel Life
Warfen War
Basmer Nature
Wavrum Tempest


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